FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Day 17 Blogmas 2k17

How on earth is it the 17th of December already? I really don't know where this month is going let alone this year... Is it bad that my Christmas shopping is still barely started? I'm just struggling to get festive at all this year, too much work, too many deadlines and too little preparation basically mean these days I'm more of a stress ball than someone who's excited for the holidays. I really miss the Christmas breaks where the only thing I had to do was stuff my face with yummy food all holiday. Growing up is hard. 

Bigger doesn't always mean better.

I'm going to be the first to put my hand up here because when it comes to present size I will automatically go for the bigger present. Because bigger means better right? Wrong in so many ways. As I've grown older and begun buying presents for people it's become so much more apparent that size doesn't matter. It's about the thought. Even the money you spend shouldn't be the reason you like it so much more. Sometimes it's the little things in life that are so much more appreciated... or they should be. After all yes is it nice to receive lavish presents like a Macbook or the latest iPhone but at the end of the day should we all be that materialistic when it comes to Christmas? Isn't that taking away everything that Christmas is really about? 

Again I'll put my hand up hand, in my household we usually ask for one big present and then some little ones, being an only child I would say I tend to get what I ask for as well. Okay so yes I'll openly agree I'm probably more than a little spoilt when it comes to Christmas, because I've never been told no when it comes to any present as long as it's within reason (sorry that Gucci belt is not going to happen for me). My parents have taught me the lesson of having to wait though, I never get anything unless it's my Birthday or Christmas and if I have received something between the two then I've had to work hard for it.

These presents look so frigging pretty! 

This year for Christmas though the only thing I really want is a break, a week away would be nice but with the amount of uni work I've got not quite sure that's possible. I know it'll hopefully be worthwhile in the end but I still can't help but think I'm missing out on the here & now. Christmas holidays should be exactly that a holiday spent with family and friends, watching endless christmas films, eating yummy Christmas food and going on festive days out. Not being stuck inside working 24.7. I do enjoy the work I do but that doesn't mean I want to dedicate all day every day doing it. In my head I could do with Christmas going on hold for about a month.

It'll certainly be the little moments that I make count this holiday, present wise and life wise. Although when I'm sat inside on a rainy, dreary day it does kinda make me happy that I've got things to do. Hope you've all enjoyed this post, sorry it was a little later in the day than I normally post.

Do you agree bigger isn't always better?

See you tomorrow!
Festive Kisses 


Images: Pinterest. 

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