FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Monday, 19 February 2018

Fate believer

I am one of those people who regret a of things, partly because all too often I'm scared of the outcome which is why I just let the opportunity pass me by. Sometimes it's easier to run the risk of missing out then to risk not getting the result you wanted...or so I thought anyway. I know we're half way through February already so making a New Years resolution now seems a little pointless but is it really?

All I'm saying is that from now on I'm going to grab the future with both hands and not give a damn about what people think about it. I saw a tweet yesterday, I can't remember it word for word but it said something basically along the lines of "if you like someone tell them, if you want to do something do it, if you think something say it" don't be afraid of the outcomes. Yes life can be a pretty daunting place from time to time but do you want to know what's more daunting? ... Missing out on the opportunities right in front of you. If uni has taught me anything so far it would be that life is what you make it, if you want to have a good time you have to make that good time for yourself. Sometimes doing the things we fear the most actually works out to be the best possible scenarios. 

Today/ Tomorrow I get my grade for my last project and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of the outcome but at the same time if I do badly then it's a learning curve, I know how and what I need to do to change myself for next time. Everyday is a learning curve, everyday we learn something new about ourselves, everyday we should big ourselves up instead of tearing ourselves down. I am guilty of this, guilty of thinking the worst of myself & my abilities, thinking that someone won't like me because I'm not as pretty as the other girls or thinking I didn't do that so I'm bound to fail. But you know what these last few months I've become a lot more accepting and prouder of what I have achieved. Okay so that may sound more than just a little big headed but it's not a lie, I generally have felt more comfortable in my own skin recently than I ever have. So yes I still make stupid mistakes, I'm still a bit of an awkward embarrassment but at the end of the day I'm happy and isn't that all that matters? I have a list longer than the length of my arm of what I want to achieve in my life but sometimes it's the small moments that matter just as much as the big. 

I'm not saying I'm going to go purposely out of my way to do something but if it feels right and the moment is there then I'm not going to say no. Growing up I was that little girl who wanted to achieve certain things by certain points in my life when really going with the flow is so much more fun. Okay so I still want to achieve them but it doesn't matter if it doesn't go how I planned because that's how it was meant to happen. I am a firm believer in fate- cheesy I know but sometimes things just happen for a reason, so they may close the door on that one thing you really wanted but it may just open up a bigger more exciting door. I'm excited, more than I ever have been before, right now it just feels like something good, really good, is starting to happen, I can just feel it- all I'm saying is I just can't wait to see where that moment takes me. 

Do you believe in fate?
Let me know below.


Image: Own

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