FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Dolly Jones Talk

Optional lectures were not something that I ever thought I'd attend purely because getting out of bed earlier than necessary for me is not a good option. 
Still at Uni I continue to surprise myself so I attended the lecture with Dolly Jones who works at Conde Nast Publications...

Dolly gave us a great deal of insights into working for publications & the demands require in order to do so. Personally I found it really inspiring and it made me more determined to pursue my dream of working for a magazine in the near future.

Conde Nast have roughly around 5.2 million readership, with an increasing number of this being from mobile traffic, Vogue November 16 had 65% of it's readers from online. Which does make me feel sad because I don't think a physical magazine can be beaten. Telling stories is all about the shareablity from the offset , more and more magazines are promoting on other social platforms such as Instagram because 'if content is king then context is country' 

What happens when publishing online?

1. Publish & post
2. Monitor traffic
3. Search ranking
4. Social ranking
5. Updates are made

To think I just thought all you did was hit publish & share, these facts will actually help me blog wise though- It'll be interesting to start monitoring my stats more because I rarely follow them. Keeping track of what's popular and what's not will help you when it comes to writing because at least then you know what will be popular & what won't.

The more digitally informed you are the better, this means keep a track of everything that is going on online. Fair enough you don't have to be glued to your laptop or phone 24/7 but maybe check out the news app when you check your other social media apps in the morning because knowing what is going on in the world is key.

If you run a story without visuals it doesn't go down well. This is something that I have experienced already, when I first started blogging well over a year ago now I was terrible at adding pictures and images to my posts partly because I didn't know what I was doing but also I didn't know the importance of visuals. As I've got better as blogger I've noticed my stats massively improving so much so it's possible I could reach over 100000 views this year which is an insane amount of eyes.

Currently the Conde Nast aren't doing personalisation but they are looking into as an option, however telling people what you think they want closes doors on other stuff. Surely it better to allow the viewer to search for what they want because that way they might stumble across something else that they wouldn't have found otherwise. There is something nice and getting recommendations for what you might like but at the same time it is nice to just surf the web at your own leisure too.

Interestingly Dolly Jones said that print is more female and online is more male, I don't know why I was so surprised by this because thinking about it, it is true. I personally think a printed copy of a magazine can't be beaten but my male friends are much more likely to read something online then invest into the physical copy.

The magazine industry is tough, Vogue thrives on competition which is healthy for a magazine because you want to be constantly pushing yourself to being the best you can be- this is relatable in everyday life too. Standing out is hard but once you've found your niche market your there, you've just got to make sure that you stay there and stay on top.

I am glad I attended this lecture because it was really helpful to hear about what it's really like to work for a publication company, the Conde Nast is one of if not THE biggest publication house in the world. Magazines still are my passion, I did wonder if I'd change my mind whilst at uni but I haven't yet- I guess there's still time to.

What did you think of this post?
Let me know in the comments below.

Take care & I'll see you soon.


Pictures taken from Google.

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