Happy New Years!
Wow 2017 quite literally went by in a blink of an eye and 2018 is finally here! In all honesty I'm kinda happy to be waving 2017 goodbye, granted it wasn't a terrible year but it was far from the best. Don't get me wrong first year at uni was life changing and New York was just the same but you know when you just feel ready to move on to something else? Yeh to me that's how I'd describe my 2017, it kinda felt like a year where I was waiting for it to get to the good part part but it just never really came. Still 2018 is here now, out with the old in with the new n all that. Personally I'm not a massive fan of New Years, I was saying to one of my friends that I just find each year is pretty much the same, nothing massively new and exciting happens so I don't really tend to celebrate it. Yes of course I welcome in the New Year with family but it's just never been something I get that excited about.
But I'm so ready for 2018, just have a good feeling 'bout it you know.
But I'm so ready for 2018, just have a good feeling 'bout it you know.
I do like the idea that a new year is like opening a new book, 365 days, 365 opportunities, 365 chances to make this year bigger, better and happier than the last.
So as always I thought I'd kick off 2018 with a New Years resolutions post, yes sorry I am like every other blogger right now... grab a cuppa and see what I have planned for my 365 chances:
Commit to Blogging/ YouTube.
Yes you did just read that right, as of tomorrow I am going to be (trying) uploading weekly YouTube videos every Tuesday. It's scary not going to lie, blogging doesn't feel so scary because I'm typing posts from behind a screen but YouTube is so much more in your face quite literally. The thought of people judging me for my looks & opinions feels so much more of a scary prospect now, still it's held me back for years now and I'm saying 'no' to potential haters and I'm just going to give it a shot. Blogging wise that's still going to be a 'thing', I hoping to commit to doing posts every Monday & Friday which is dedication especially with YouTube every Tuesday but you never get anywhere in life if you just sit back & do nothing. There's a whole wide world out there grab it with both hands!
Continue the 'gym' thing.
2017 was the year I finally committed myself to working out and maybe even more surprisingly I actually enjoyed it! Words can't describe how good I feel after an hour on the cross trainer, it just let's me escape life for an hour or so, if you get me. When I'm working out it's just me, my thoughts and my music, it's like nothing else matters, my stresses literally melt away. When you worry as much as I do believe me it's the best possible feeling.
Give myself that 'me' time.
Pre-uni I was not a sociable person so uni brought me out of my shell incredibly and I'll be forever grateful! But if I socialise 24/7 it literally drains me. Maybe you think I'm weird for saying that, but I'm comfortable in my own company, I like the times where it's just me and can do my own thing. Yes obviously I love time with family & friends to pieces but sometimes not every week I just need an hour or so to just chill.
Spontaneous trips.
Travelling has and will always be a passion of mine, there is nothing I want more in life than to tour America in a camper van, but saying that I'd be happy to tour anywhere. I was talking to this guy about a month ago and he was saying he loved travelling so I was telling him about the whole American dream and he was like but what about Europe? And truth be told I'd forgotten about that. I've be luckily enough to have been able to go on holiday a lot in Europe but whilst they were amazing, they weren't quite 'traveling' and I definitely didn't see the whole of Europe. So I'd like to go on at least one spontaneous trip this year. I'm kicking off my travels to Berlin in January for a course trip so hopefully it'll be the start of many.
Say 'yes' more!
This is such a Zoella thing to say but it's true I don't say it enough and I miss out on opportunities right in front of me. I'm tired of missing chances so it's about time I did something about it. Starting from now.
Don't just dream it.
Kind of a follow on from the 'say yes' one but I have a huge imagination, I am such a daydreamer. I was that child who believed if I wanted to become a world famous singer than I will do it. Whilst I no longer believe I can make it in the singing world, my voice isn't umm public suitable think more screaming cat, I still stand by this motto. I honestly believe if you dream it then there's no reason you can't do it. Okay so it might be a trek to get there but nothing that's worth doing is ever easy!
Enjoy the here and now.
Bit of a weird one to make for a resolution but I always find myself wishing the days away to get to something better when really it's the little moments in life that are the most special. So this year there'll be no more wishing the days away, yes I'll still get excited about upcoming events but they're not the best thing in my life and this year is the year I realise that.
Keep growing that confidence.
For at least the last 3 years this has been on my resolution list... I am getting there slowly. This time last year my 'then' self wouldn't recognise the 'now' me, 2017 grew my confidence more than any other year. I guess I just got tired of fighting with myself, looking pretty is overrated, it's time I just accepted the fact that I'm happy being me. Yes I have scars both physically and mentally but they are part of 'me', and if I'm honest I'm proud of what I've come through in my life, there has been times when it got really shit but I made it through it all and I came out it braver than I was before. Life isn't easy but believing in yourself makes you that little bit more determined.
That's all my resolutions... other the years have been quite different, they've definitely changed a bit. Gone the days where I said I'll give up chocolate because we all know that's not achievable. Sometimes life needs sweetening up a bit.
What are your resolutions?
Sorry I'm a nosey person.
I hope you all have a happy, healthy 2018 full of lots of exciting plans.
I hope you all have a happy, healthy 2018 full of lots of exciting plans.
See you all Friday, where it'll be a bit of a YouTube special. Don't forget to check my channel out tomorrow too- LippieTalk. The start of something new... yes HSM will never get old.
Images: Own
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