FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Miley Malibu Makeunder

Growing up Miley Cyrus was and still is one of my idols, I love her style, her voice, just everything about her. I never really idolised many people when I was younger because well I was happy just being me but Miley definitely stood out from the rest. 

May 11th, Miley Cyrus released her single “Malibu,” along with a surprising music video that revealed the pop star having had a good makeunder. Replacing the peroxide pixie, red lip, and strategically positioned pasties that have defined her devil-may-care style in recent years, Cyrus’s new look centre's on a literal return to her roots, with a few visible inches of brunette hair framing her forehead before fading into a grown-out shade of platinum.

Personally I'm loving her new makeunder, she looks way better than she did when she went through her 'wild' stage. It would be nice for young girls nowadays to realise that they don't have to cake their faces in makeup- it's okay to be natural & fresh faced. Fair enough I totally understand that you have days where you don't want to leave the house but hey everyone has days like that! I am a strong believer that beauty starts from within. I mean I'm currently sat writing this in the library with zero makeup on and trampy clothes having had 4/5 hours sleep- this is something I never thought I'd be doing before I came to Uni. But the truth is people really don't care, they probably don't even notice and if they do then it's their problem, not yours. 

The opening scene of 'Malibu' begins with Miley standing in front of a waterfall, her two-toned waves bound in a pair of subtly cheeky pigtails that wink at the quirky beauty, but they soon give way to a relaxed beachy ponytail or textured lengths left loose to blow in the breeze. For just under four minutes, Cyrus walks & dances along California’s beaches and coastal cliffs, smiling through eyes dusted in a subtle metallic shadow, fingers adorned with small wildflowers. 

“I never would have believed you if three years ago you told me I’d be here writing this song. But here I am,” the pop star sings. With a serene new sound and a confident, come-as-you-are aesthetic, the evolution feels like a natural one: Miley is growing up.

As much as I admire Miley, I did not like it when she cut her short and dyed it bleach blonde, I get that she wanted a change and to break away from her 'Disney' image but personally i felt it just wasn't a good look on her at all. I guess I've got use to the blonde now but still at the time it was a shocker. I love how people experiment with their looks as they grow up, without experimenting you won't find new things that you love and want to try out. 

I had major hair envy when Miley's hair was this long, growing up I actually kept growing my hair in a bid to make it look like this. The result: it didn't work, my hair was horrible long but that's a story for another time. If you haven't already listened to Miley's latest single it's totally worth checking out, it's very different to Wrecking Ball & Adore Me, it's more country inspired which I like but I feel you have to be in the mood for that sort of music. I guess it's not for everyone.  

There are rumours that Miley's new look is due to her getting back with Liam Hemsworth, who knows maybe she's calming down now after having her wild years. I do totally rate these guys being back together though- I just think they're a really great couple together. 

What do you think to Miley's makeunder? 
Yay or Nay?

Take care & I'll see you all very soon.


Pictures aren't my own, taken from Google. 

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