FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Sunday, 5 August 2018

You decide

All too often I feel we question if it's worth it, if they're worth it and perhaps most importantly if we're worth it. Summer so far hasn't been a massively exciting one but it has changed me more than I think I ever imagined it could... and I have more than a few people to thank for that. 

I guess working this summer has made me realise that I don't need to doubt myself anymore than I already do, I don't need to make myself feel more insecure than I already do because at the end of the day I don't have any real reason to make myself feel like that. If you want to talk to me than great, if you don't then that's no loss either because you're never going to a 100% please everyone around you. That's life, you can either try but fail trying to please everyone or you can stop trying so hard and just let people accept that you are you, regardless of what anyone says or thinks is going to change that. 

I saw a really good quote the other day "stop waiting for friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the situation you're in now" that really struck a cord with me. I am a moaner of a lot of things, the weather (I'm typically British), of money (I'm a student) and of the lack of excitement in my life (my life certainly isn't rose tinted). But the truth is lately things have finally started going my way, I got the job that I searched for years for, hopefully if it goes well then I should be covered for every holiday now on and when I graduate uni next summer. I love it- yes I moan about the shifts that sometimes feel days long but seriously deep down I'm happy where I am. Suddenly it doesn't bother me to go up to a complete stranger and ask them if they're okay because I spend my day talking to people. It's actually shocked me how much I enjoy it, I've got to know people lately that without my situation changing I would never have known. It's so weird to think I've known these people for barely no time at all yet I already feel so comfortable around them. I don't feel awkward or have constant paranoia about what they think of me because at the end of the day they don't have to get on with me but I don't have to get on with them. Growing up is realising that there are some people you will automatically click with, others you won't, some people will work their butts off, others are happy letting other people get them to where they want to be, some people you'll have banter with and others you simply won't. The world of work so far has been a funny one. But I'm so over the moon to be a part of it.

Quieter days get me thinking... we spend our day trying to please others but the one person we're probably not always pleasing is ourselves. I'm not saying be utterly selfish. Look at situations from other people's point of view but don't go through life constantly seeking approval because at the end of the day the only approval you really need to seek is your own. You have your own mind, your own opinions, your own personality, you are an individual and that's great embrace it! Be happy to be you! Yes other people may be doing more exciting things with their lives but that doesn't mean that their version of happiness is the same as yours. Sometimes you've just got to accept things will happen if they're going to happen whether you like it or not, worrying about situations isn't going to change the inevitable instead will only put you through something twice. You have a decision to make when you wake up in the morning, you can either run straight ahead and never look back, grabbing opportunities with both hands or you can constantly go round on loop, never getting anywhere new. 
You choose.

Knowing who is worth your love and who isn't is priceless, family, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends. You decide. I am a firm believer in that people come into your life for a reason and others leave for a reason. But to achieve happiness with yourself can only come from within. The people we meet teach us lessons about others and most importantly about ourselves but it's how we use these situations that make us grow. So quit worrying about the possibilities of tomorrow and focus on the here & now. Maybe that's what happiness really is after all... 


Pictures: Pinterest.
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