FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Monday, 16 July 2018

Summer on the up..

I'm back! 
(Well just about)

It's been almost a month since I wrote my selfish or what post, where you may remember me saying how determined I was to make this Summer my best yet. A month later I'm here to catch up because gut instincts tell me I may have been right after all....

First up let's begin with my YouTube... so yeh I said I wanted to put time into it this holiday and so far I've filmed about 2 videos. Don't get me wrong my love for filming and YouTube is still there but it just felt like the past month has been a lot more hectic than planned and it got to the point where I didn't want my downtime to be spent online. So that's taking a back seat for the meantime anyway, I am still going to be uploading this summer but when I feel like it not so much because I have too. Probably not the best plan in the world when your trying to grow an audience but it's what feels right and I have to go with that. I don't want to miss out on fun times in the sun just because I'm devoting my summer to a dream that may not go anywhere. Although Instagram wise my creative account is becoming much more fashion/ outfit based which is exciting and I've actually been approached by a few brands about working with them. Not entirely sure where these will take me yet or even if they will actually happen but watch this space....

Okay let's talk internships.... mannnnn they are DAMN hard to get. You may remember a few posts back I said something on this front may be about to change and truth is I didn't get it. It was an amazing opportunity at SkinnyDip and not going to lie I did feel somewhat disheartened about not being successful but obviously it wasn't meant to be. It was a great opportunity to interact with SkinnyDip through the interview process and I have definitely learnt lessons from this situation. In hindsight it's probably best it didn't work out because the position was marketing based- an aspect of my course I'd rather not venture down so it clearly wasn't right for me. And how on earth I ever thought it'd be possible for me to fund myself living in London for summer is beyond me! Still I've got my foot in the door with them and they said to keep in touch as well, so I'm going to take nothing but positives from it. Following on from this I've been in touch with the BBC and my local newspaper, the Leicester Mercury about possibly doing some experience with them which I'm hopeful should work out. I'm hoping to chat to MTV too because not only would that be a great place to intern but as I'd like to look down the music video route for my dissertation it would be highly valuable. 

On to the next thing...

Apparently I am now an *official* adult, I've turned 18, turned 20 so next up on the big birthdays front was my 21st... yes shocker of the year me and my unbelievable babyface are actually now 21. How mad is that hey? I had an amazing day in London having afternoon tea at my place of dreams, Sketch. I've followed that place for so long on social medias and to say I've actually been is slightly unreal. It blew me (and my dads wallet) away. Honestly I couldn't have asked for anything better- a beautiful day, with beautiful people in a beautiful place. I was a very happy girl (well still am to be honest). Present wise I'm not one to brag about what I got but I got some really, lovely thoughtful, keepsake gifts that I hope to treasure for years to come. Then on the 14th July, a few days after my birthday, I caught up with a couple of close friends over a pizza and a long awaited trip to the cinema to see Incredibles 2. I don't want to give any spoilers away but it was well worth the 14 year wait for the sequel and a perfect way to round up my 21st celebrations. 

Speaking of cinemas... so umm I am now an employed person at my local Odeon!!!!! Yes that number of exclamation marks were needed because I AM OVER THE MOON. Not only have I always wanted to work in a cinema but I finally got a job, like an actual job- somebody pinch me! I had my trial shift yesterday and it went so much better than I imagined it could, the staff are super friendly so far! And even more surprising I didn't feel too nervous, like I was shaking walking through those doors yesterday but an hour in it just felt natural you know. Weird story actually to how I came to applying there... so I actually got a job a few weeks back at my local nightclub, went for a shift there and realised that the hours simply were not for me, not getting to bed till 5/6am is not the life I wanted to lead. So after waking up the following morning feeling depressed and tearful about the fact that I was back to square one again with the job hunt, I began my hunt on where I saw the cinema vacancy pop up and the rest well is history. It's just so weird because if I had never applied to the nightclub & done a shift there then I would never have looked at indeed when I did so I would never have heard about the cinema opening. I am a believer in fate and I can't help but feel this cinema job was meant to be. Crazy! Opportunities really do come along when you least expect it. 

So that's about it... and I've still got 2 and half months of summer left! 
I would be lying if I said I wasn't still nervous about my job at the cinema, like I think it'll take me a good week or so to comfortably find my feet but I'm just so happy I got it. Can't shake the smile off. Not that sure if the rest of my summer will be all that exciting but hopefully work will go well and I still potentially have our family holiday to look forward to- at the minute it's between Mexico & Jamaica so let's just see where summer takes me. 
I am going to do research for my dissertation and go to a few relevant exhibitions in August as well which I'm excited for. 

So who knows how the rest of my summer will pan out but what I do know is maybe I was right after all...

Speak soon


Pictures- are all my own 
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