FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Thursday, 28 June 2018


Sorry I haven't been as regular on here as I said I would be, it's been a busy last week, what with my Dad's birthday, interviews for potential summer work & internship roles, I didn't have the spare time to sit down and write. The only thing that remains consistent in my life at the minute is Love Island, and I'm living for Tuesday's night episode- the non stop drama had me glued to my TV screen! 

YouTube wise it's going well, I'm loving it and I'm actually really enjoying being more chatty on my videos, my channel is never gonna be as exciting as other channels out there but I'm really proud of it. I'm producing content that I'm loving creating even if my laptop does keep telling me it has a lack of storage because of all the filming clips- it's driving me crazy! 
Over the next few weeks I'm hoping to do a Q&A video & a lookbook which is exciting! My last vid is about my uni experience so far, surprisingly I loved talking all about it, don't think I've ever felt so honest in a video before, so I'll probably do some more uni related videos too.
I'll leave it below if you want to check it out: 

Today I thought I'd chat about summer style, in particular the looks I'm loving right now and what I'm hoping to somehow pull off this year. so lets get cracking...

Before we begin I just thought I'd talk about our personal style icons.
Everyone has someone that they look to for style inspo whether that's a celebrity or a friend, I'm always bouncing new style ideas around in my mind picked up from people all around me. Instagram & Pinterest are great tools to see what works as well. Personally a style icon of mine is Ella Eyre, not only have I long time been obsessed with her music but I adore her style. Honestly everything she wears I wish would somehow magic itself into my wardrobe! I feel Ella knows who she is when it comes to her style, it's a bit quirky, on trend but in an unconventional way and she likes to push boundaries. I would say that sums up what I know of her & her music. Another person I love to follow is Ann-Marie, another girl with great style in my eyes!

Summer this year I want to wear the clothes I love! Coming home from uni for summer break, I've had a massive clear out of all the rubbish that I no longer like to wear or is too big for me now- those gym days are finally paying off!
So let's see what looks I'm going for this summer break, shall we?


I've loved t-shirt dresses for a LONG time, they're just so casual, so cool and so effortless. You can literally just throw one on and you're good to go! Over the last year or so I've collected a few really cool ones which I'm hoping to rock with my vans this summer. I'm hoping to local checkout vintage stores for a bit more unusual ones too! Btw mens t-shirts make the perfect dress. 

If you haven't already guessed by now my style is a bit quirky, I hate the ordinary, don't get me wrong it looks great on others but I like pushing boundaries with my style. Studying fashion I'm very aware of trends but I wouldn't really say I follow them, I wear things because I love them not because they're 'in' right now. I'm definitely not afraid to stand out when it comes to fashion. 


Now hear me out before you judge here please.
I'm a fan of the grunge trend just because it's cool and quite funky. Don't get me wrong I love colour but I am a lover of black also. I think this will be more my style towards the end of summer because those fishnet suntan lines are not the one for me haha. I think I'll try making it a bit less dark which will be my take on the trend.


Crop tees and sweatshirts are a bit of me! Especially cropped sweaters, because the British summer is never that reliable so a jumper will keep you covered when the weather unexpectedly changes. Plus when you're like me and you don't like showing off your entire body it keeps you a bit more covered when wearing shorts or skirts. I think crop tees are really fun and something that can be super cheap and playful, you could even DIY your own designs onto your old tees to give them a new refresh. 


I'm a sucker for bold, 'in your face' trousers. Personally I feel more comfortable in trousers than skirts/shorts just because you can show off your figure in the right pair but it's nothing too revealing if you get me. They just make me feel good, like I can conquer anything. Recently I've really gone off jeans completely, nowadays if I have to wear jeans they tend to be mom style- I'm actually desperate for a black pair. Flares, wide leg, joggers, culotte trousers are SO much more comfortable- why would I opt for jeans when I can be living life in style AND comfort with a pair of joggers?

I need to know where these checkerboard trousers below are from!!!!
They are so freaking cool.


Bit of a weird one but I'm lover of socks all year round. Maybe it's that Stance uni project rubbing off on me but lately I've really started wanting to make how I wear my socks that bit more interesting and quirky. I am loving the socks and trainers trend going around at the minute, not everyone's a fan I know but I like seeing socks beyond the top of the shoe. Don't hate on me but I am sucker for the socks and sliders trend as well!


My day to day clothes are far from ordinary so why would you ever think my swimsuits wouldn't be? Previous years I've tended to wear the same swimsuits year after year, but coming home for this summer break I was a little shocked to find all my swimwear too big for me. So I've been gradually investing in 3 really good but quirky, swimsuits which should last a few years to come (especially if travelling is potentially on the cards after uni). So far I've got 2, one from Zara and the other from Warehouse, I've got my sights on one from ASOS but it's currently still out of stock unfortunately for me but I'm hopeful. So please can we all pray I get the swimsuit of my dreams!

Hope you all enjoyed this post, I'm obsessed with these looks. I'd love to hear what looks you're loving right now and into the summer months ahead! At some point I'm hoping to do a styling/ lookbook video on my YouTube channel so subscribe to make sure you don't miss that. 

Love you all lots & enjoy this fabulous summer weather we've got atm- ahhhh it's bliss.

Images: Pinterest & Instagram 
Video: LippieTalk

Monday, 18 June 2018

selfish or what?

Ahhhh summer time really is the best time. 
Honestly I've felt nothing but bliss since I handed in my work a few weeks back, it just feels like a weight has been completely lifted off my shoulders. It's just so nice to be able to waste time and not feel guilty for it, but at the same time be able to use my time to focus on the things I've really neglected the last 6 months. 

Okay so I would be lying if I said the worry of what grade I'll get is completely out of my mind but I'm try to not think about it, after all it's out of my hands now. 

I don't think I've ever had a summer break where I've said you know what I'm going to be completely selfish this year until now that is. Second year was incredible, the friends I made, the experiences I had, the motivation I gained- I owe second year a lot. But now it's time for me. Time to be completely, utterly, entirely selfish. To use my time to work on things that I'm really passionate about. Controversial I know but I feel like it's about time I was due a break to do the things I want to do. Third year is a good 4 months away so I want to do my research, get into the projects I want to do alongside third year and to use my time to go to the events I want to go to, work with the brands I want to collaborate with. I'm excited!

I finally got round to filming another YouTube video today and it felt so damn good. I was a little nervous incase I'd lost my love for it but safe to say I definitely haven't. It's just so nice to be able to do work for fun instead of because I have to, summer breaks should be for that. The job hunt is somewhat never ending and the internship front well that may be about to change but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet and jinxs things. 
But I'm keeping my fingers crossed & my mouth zipped. 


The three main areas I really want to work on this summer are my brand Instagram, YouTube and this little blog. All three are passions I love to pieces, but all 3 are never going to get anywhere if I'm not prepared to put the work in. 'Do your future self a favour, work hard now'. I'm not saying they're going to go anywhere but I want to give them a shot and see where the opportunities take me. Who knows but I'm excited by the unknown. 

Kicking off with my instagram. Friends will know I have two accounts, a personal one that I'm soon to make private and my creative one which will stay public. Don't get me wrong I love both, but the creative one is the platform I really want to work on. I want to feature a lot more outfit posts, getting creative with the way I do them, I want to give sneak peaks of my YouTube and I want it to be the main platform associated with my brand 'LippieTalk'- I'm emotionally invested. Financially creating a good feed costs nothing, all I need is the 'get up and do it' attitude and my mum as photographer (she's actually pretty good!). People may say I'm silly to invest so much time into social media but when it's the line of work I want to go down I personally feel it's time well spent. 

 Other than working on those three areas, I want to start saving, I mean seriously start saving. This time next year after I hopefully graduate I want to go travelling for 6 months to a year, it's something I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember but it's an expensive goal. Originally my plan was to travel America but slowly Australia & New Zealand are looking more appealing. Working on my brand and working out on my fitness not only fill my free time but they are hobbies that cost next to nothing but will be rewarding if I somehow make them successful. 


I love being at home but sometimes it can get a little dull & I can get a bit lost at what to do with myself so hopefully these things will occupy my time. Yes to some people my summer plans may sound like their version of hell but to me I can't help but get excited and maybe a little ahead of myself but where's the harm in that hey?

See you tomorrow on my YouTube because there's a new video coming and Friday back here.


Pictures: Own unless stated otherwise.

Monday, 4 June 2018

About time hey hun?

Well, well, well I think an actual miracle has just occurred because I've actually opened blogger for about the first time in 2 months. 
"About time hey hun"

'Life just got a little bit crazy' seems to be what I ALWAYS say but believe me it did! I don't even think I properly stopped to breathe for a second in those entire 2 months. Suddenly I had the biggest presentation of my entire life, about 7 deadlines due all on one day and I was a just that girl who practically moved into the library for about a month and lived off a diet of meal deals so the summer body's going well. Honestly today or yesterday as you're reading this is the first time I've stopped in a long time. Simple things like just strolling around the shops, going gym or meeting friends for lunch were all severely neglected the past 2 months. I was low key having a mini mental breakdown everyday but somehow I got through it. Yes that's right I've completely finished second year woo *breathes a sigh of relief*, I don't know how I did it, I was half human, half zombie for the last week of deadlines but somehow I got there finally! I don't think I'd have been able to do it without my friends keeping me sane, those few nights out and the thought of a much needed 4 month summer break ahead. 



To help me get back into blogging and to get you guys up to speed I thought I'd quickly bring you all up to date with my life over the past two months... don't expect anything crazy! The craziest I got was spending a 14 hour day in the library with only food to keep me sane. 

So what feels like a lifetime ago I had the biggest presentation I've ever done, presenting our film not only to our lecturers but to someone from Stance, the American sock brand we had our project on. Safe to say I was terrified, we were terrified. But in actual fact our film was picked by Stance for winning best commercial film which I was absolutely over the moon with! Not only did that project make me feel like I was finally getting somewhere in life but it completely changed my mindset about the field I want to graduate into. You see I've always been creative, always been that arty kid, I was drawing on the fireplace before I could barely walk much to my parents dismay. But for me there was something about writing, it just clicked, I just clicked, it never felt like a chore to do and having this blog allowed me to explore my tone of voice and style. 

The Stance film project threw me into areas I'd never really considered before, the whole filming and editing process wasn't even something that remotely crossed my mind. But even though that was probably the most intense project of my life, it was also the best. I'm not saying I'm gonna give up on the whole magazine dream but I'm ready to explore the option of video editor/ filmographer too. Honestly something about that project changed me, you can see it in my other work as well. Making that film made me so determined to produce work that I'd never even dream of doing, my style changed, I created my own brand recipe. Suddenly it felt like all my skills fell into place at the right time. I produced a dissertation proposal that I fell in love with, my business cards (image below) fill me with pride every time I look at them and knowing what my end goal is makes me SO excited for third year.


I even made my own online portfolio if you want to check it out

Ah yes the topic of third year... so umm would someone kindly like to explain to me where the past two years of uni have gone because I honestly couldn't tell you. I bloody love uni and I love everyone I've met because of it, honestly there's been some really amazing people who I hope will be friends for life. I don't know what it's been about second year but I just feel like the friendships I've made feel so much stronger, the people I've met feel so much more like it was fate they're in my life and I just feel so much happier! Every time my parents come to visit they always say how proud they are of me and to be honest I always kinda awkwardly laugh and brush it off but I'm proud of myself too. Don't think I'm big headed or anything please but I honestly am and I'm happier & more me than I've ever been in my entire life. I'm excited for the future, I'm weirdly and quite frankly oddly excited for third year, the thought of what after next year might bring, the dream is to be able to travel the world with hopefully a job that I love to pieces.

 For me this was the year where I became so much more comfortable in myself and less focused on the materialistic things but rather the actual experiences & memories. Okay so I'm still a compulsive clothing addict but I'm a fashion student what can I say?!? But seriously I would hands down rather create memories than own that new top on the ASOS website. I was asking people a few days back would you rather have the perfect life or the perfect relationship, and I would rather the perfect relationship- okay I know I maybe lame for still believing in a good old fairytale but I'm a sucker for a love story. Take Meghan & Prince Harry's wedding, watching that on the tv was just breathe taking I have honestly never seen such a fairytale wedding before in my life, okay so they exist in movies but not normally in reality. I watched a film Saturday night called The Kissing Booth on Netflix and honestly it was the cutest thing I've ever watched, it low key depressed me and my current single self but lol it kinda gave me hope in a naive way. Yes I know I'm an idiot for holding out hope that one day I might have relationship half as cute as that but you better believe I am. I guess some things never change. 

So summer plans are still slightly lacking right now, I am going away with my parents but I don't know when or where for definite just yet so it's nice to see we're organised. Other then that there's nothing. So as usual I've applied for endless jobs & internships and no doubt I'll be about as lucky as a cat who's used up all of it's 9 lives. But something in my stomach tells me this summer is going to be the best yet, I'm not quite sure how or why just yet. You know when you just get that feeling. I'm hoping to do a festival and a few spontaneous trips round the UK, maybe even Europe if I'm lucky. Besides that I want to do stuff relating to my course, go to events, talks, places that'll be useful for me and potential dissertation ideas. Ahhh how am I at the almost dissertation stage already?!? I feel like I blinked and two years of uni have just gone, right now I'm stuck for what I want to do after uni, I know it's still a year away but I need to start thinking about these things. I know I don't want to stay in Nottingham and I definitely don't want to move back home, don't get me wrong I love my family to pieces but that's not where I see myself long term. The real dream is to travel, but financially is that a plausible option? who knows?

The main thing right now though is to make this summer amazing, I want to travel more, meet new people, as well as catching up with old friends and I want to really concentrate on this blog & my YouTube. Who knows what's going to happen but one thing's for sure I'm ready to make plans. I'm ready to be spontaneous!

So stick around a while because it's gonna be a long, hot summer (and yes I am an avid Love Island fan who is very prepared for it to take over my entire life from tonight 9pm) 


PICTURES: own unless stated otherwise.
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