FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Monday, 26 February 2018

Doing it

So Thursday I did a thing... roller skating, which if you know me well by now- you'll know that I have no sense of balance what so ever so it's probably not the best activity in the world for me. 

Okay no surprise I was definitely no expert in fact I was a pretty terrible beginner, safe to say that the whole skating thing is something I'm not born to do.  Which is surprising especially considering this was not my first time and I grew up with my skateboard. I guess all along  knew I wasn't going to be a pro, but the whole reason I went was because it was fun and sometimes laughing at yourself & how
 bad you are at something is needed. Not only that but it helped me to overcome this massive fear I have of falling over on the skates (yes I did fall over but only once), my legs were shaking, my hands were a clammy mess and my heart was close to a heart attack many times. But I'm bloody proud I did it- I'd even go as far as saying I'd go again.

This whole post isn't going to be about roller skating, don't worry if that's not your cup of tea then I won't bore you all with that. The point of this post... yes Gemma get on with it... is that sometimes the things you fear the most don't actually turn out to be that bad. Roller skating was something I've done
many times before but the last time I went back home I fell over and it just really freaked me, from that moment on I'd basically said no not again and here I am a few years later a changed women. I think no amount of times I go this fear will be still be there but I want to squish it into a little ball of nothing rather than letting it take over me, at the end of the day 2018 was going to be year of me
saying you know what screw it even if I look a fool then I'm going to try it anyway.
Life's too short to not give things a shot. 

I don't know what's happening to me lately, I've pushed myself further out of my comfort zone already this year then I did the entire of 2017. First with the whole summer camp thing, now this, here's to a new me of saying yes! I have my first formative presentation of this semester on Friday and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't more than just a little bit nervous, it does get that little bit easier every time I do one but at the same time it doesn't. I think the more pressure I put on myself the more I fear failing, which is stupid because even if I did completely mess it up at the end of the day who cares? It's better to screw up and learn for next time then to not give it everything and risk not
looking interested at all.

We had a weird seminar last Thursday which basically involved us standing up the entire hour & half doing various bits of presenting- so really it was my idea of hell. No joke I could have probably ran out that room the second our lecturer started explaining the task but I didn't. Not only that but even though it doesn't count for anything I did my best presentation too! We had to speak for 30 seconds about something that we really loved, so naturally I did mine about Willow (my dog), it just amazed me how well I spoke about her, it didn't even feel like I was in a presentation, it just felt raw and from the heart- I even managed a smile which from someone who at the word 'presentation' her stomach flips is quite something.  I don't know even though it sounded pointless it felt incredible- I want that feeling in every presentation I do! I think I may have just found my lucky charm- Willow... it also opened my eyes up to the fact that if you know a lot about your topic then it makes it so much easier to speak about which is true! Obviously I know Willow beyond well (I love her to pieces), after all she's more than just a dog to me so talking about her really isn't hard at all. But I get it now, presentation prep is the best possible thing you can do. I want to be that person who can happily and easily give a presentation well without reading completely from cards and giving no eye contact or stumbling over my words. I have improved so well but I'm still not at the level I want to be- slowly but surely I'm getting there. Someday I will be fear free in all presentations! That's my main goal.

Let me know what fears you want to overcome in the comments below. Because hey don't worry about them, we can overcome them all together!


Images: Pinterest 

Friday, 23 February 2018

Flares Bandwagon

I have this quote on my wall which basically says "Never hate anything in fashion because in 2 years time you'll be wearing it" and honestly I felt that. For me I have never found anything more relatable to my style in well forever... 

When I heard flares were coming back into fashion I sighed a little, they weren't something I'd ever thought I could make work for me in a million years- I'm too short, too dumpy so of course they weren't going to suit me surely? Truth is I was hella wrong... Literally everywhere I looked, almost every person I saw celebrity or not seemed to have jumped on the flares bandwagon and I just couldn't get my head around why? So I bite the bullet finally and ordered myself a pair from PrettyLittleThing, they were only £12, they were petite so would hopefully fit my short self and if I really hated them then I could always send them back. 

Wow I couldn't have been more wrong...

I actually don't think I have ever felt so good in a pair of trousers before in my life! I'm generally not joking! They hug your body in all the right places and actually make you look like you've got a decent bum. Damn I think I'm in love. Normally when it comes to trousers or anything clothing wise I tend to go for the oversized fit style just because I don't hate my body but I just feel so exposed in anything fitted, I don't feel confident because I feel like all of my flaws are on display. So anything remotely bodycon style I avoid at all costs. But after ordering these flares I'm a changed woman! For the first time in my life I felt good, really good- yes my body is about as far from perfect as you can get but I have never felt more confident.

I'm not saying the flares trend is going to suit everyone body shape but if you really want to try it then I'd just say go for it. What have you got to lose?!? The worst thing that can happen will be they don't suit you, in which case you can just return them- no problemo at least you gave them a shot. 

I wore my black fares out with heeled boots and a black bandeau on Friday night and aside from feeling fab, it was the comfiest outfit I've ever gone out in- it felt like I was wearing pj's level of comfort. Although the worst thing happened on the way to the club... I tripped up and ripped them at the knee- cutting my knee in the process. It was a very sad moment in my life. First time out in them and I'd already ruined them, still I'm planning on ordering another pair to make up for it even if that extra £12 will dent my bank balance more than I wanted it too. 

A lot of shops have some great flares out there at the minute but two of my personal faves are these below:

I just think PrettyLittleThing are killing the flares game at the minute. The black ones I think I would wear both in the day and going out at night & the red striped pair are beyond perfect for a night out I've got coming up next month called Cirque- could they be more perfect? I think not! 

What are your thought on flares?

I think I may just be being more than just a little obsessed with them- order me like 10 pairs already because I think these will be a staple in my wardrobe in the upcoming months.


Images: Not my own.

Monday, 19 February 2018

Fate believer

I am one of those people who regret a of things, partly because all too often I'm scared of the outcome which is why I just let the opportunity pass me by. Sometimes it's easier to run the risk of missing out then to risk not getting the result you wanted...or so I thought anyway. I know we're half way through February already so making a New Years resolution now seems a little pointless but is it really?

All I'm saying is that from now on I'm going to grab the future with both hands and not give a damn about what people think about it. I saw a tweet yesterday, I can't remember it word for word but it said something basically along the lines of "if you like someone tell them, if you want to do something do it, if you think something say it" don't be afraid of the outcomes. Yes life can be a pretty daunting place from time to time but do you want to know what's more daunting? ... Missing out on the opportunities right in front of you. If uni has taught me anything so far it would be that life is what you make it, if you want to have a good time you have to make that good time for yourself. Sometimes doing the things we fear the most actually works out to be the best possible scenarios. 

Today/ Tomorrow I get my grade for my last project and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of the outcome but at the same time if I do badly then it's a learning curve, I know how and what I need to do to change myself for next time. Everyday is a learning curve, everyday we learn something new about ourselves, everyday we should big ourselves up instead of tearing ourselves down. I am guilty of this, guilty of thinking the worst of myself & my abilities, thinking that someone won't like me because I'm not as pretty as the other girls or thinking I didn't do that so I'm bound to fail. But you know what these last few months I've become a lot more accepting and prouder of what I have achieved. Okay so that may sound more than just a little big headed but it's not a lie, I generally have felt more comfortable in my own skin recently than I ever have. So yes I still make stupid mistakes, I'm still a bit of an awkward embarrassment but at the end of the day I'm happy and isn't that all that matters? I have a list longer than the length of my arm of what I want to achieve in my life but sometimes it's the small moments that matter just as much as the big. 

I'm not saying I'm going to go purposely out of my way to do something but if it feels right and the moment is there then I'm not going to say no. Growing up I was that little girl who wanted to achieve certain things by certain points in my life when really going with the flow is so much more fun. Okay so I still want to achieve them but it doesn't matter if it doesn't go how I planned because that's how it was meant to happen. I am a firm believer in fate- cheesy I know but sometimes things just happen for a reason, so they may close the door on that one thing you really wanted but it may just open up a bigger more exciting door. I'm excited, more than I ever have been before, right now it just feels like something good, really good, is starting to happen, I can just feel it- all I'm saying is I just can't wait to see where that moment takes me. 

Do you believe in fate?
Let me know below.


Image: Own

Friday, 16 February 2018

A week in uni outfits?

It's finally Friday thank god! I don't think I've ever needed the weekend anymore than I have this week. Safe to say right now would be about the right time for a long, hot holiday. 
Just a quick post today because I'm quickly trying to type this in between seminars.

So fashion and style?
I would like to class myself as a fashion blogger & YouTuber but in all honesty I don't feel like my blog really reflects this to be honest. Which is why this past week I've been working on something super exciting- a week in uni outfits vlog. Personally these vlogs are something that I always like to watch just because I'm a nosey person, that and the fact I think it's nice to see how people style themselves day to day. Now pre-warning I don't dress the best not everyday anyway but I've had a few people say to me how much they love my style so I thought maybe it's about time I share a bit more about it. My 'week' will go from Tuesday- Monday ready for my upload day on Tuesday. At the minute I hoping to do one every week but maybe I'll mix it up week to week by wearing the same one item different ways daily or I could even do a week in my going out outfits because it's hard to look good and stay warm this time of year believe.  I can't wait for those summer nights.
(Not that I could hack going out 7 nights in a row- 2 nights practically kills me!)

Random I know but another thing I just want to quickly say is how much I'm obsessing over the song "Capital Letters" by Hailee Steinfield- I mean I love her music anyway but this song damn the past 24 hours I've literally been playing it on repeat non stop. In fact I love the entire Fifty Shades Freed soundtrack I just think there's some real tunes on it, yes I have seen the film already- it's so good would deffo recommend! Don't worry if you haven't seen the others because I hadn't either but I still understood what was going on in the film with the help of friends explaining roughly what had happened in the other two.

Not much else to say really... I know this was a super short post- I hoping to spend the weekend planning out my content for the upcoming weeks, that and get on top of my uni work. I've only been back a week and I already feel about 3 weeks behind. lol go me! 

By the way, you know how in my last post I was saying I had a dilemma well, I may have just bite the bullet and applied to work in summer camp in America!!!! Yes I'm quite literally jumping up & down on my bed with joy typing that, nothings confirmed yet and I still have a lot to sort out for it but it just feels like the ball is finally rolling. I haven't wanted to do something this bad since applying to uni! Fingers crossed it goes to plan.

Well that's all from me till Monday anyway. Have a good weekend hunnies. 
What do you think about the idea of a 'week in uni outfits' style vlog?
Let me know in the comments below.

I really want to start doing more outfit posts on here too, I guess I'll have to get my mumma back behind the camera since her photography skills for my last uni project shocked me.


Images: own

Monday, 12 February 2018

I have a dilemma

Okay so I'm in a tricky situation and I need a someone to help a girl out...
Summer may well be a few months away yet but I'm already thinking about what I'm going to do for the duration of it... job, internship or work at a summer camp who knows? 

Ideally the internship scenario would be the best thing, simply because it would give me the fashion industry experience that I so badly need but I still would be fairly local to see family and friends over summer... The thing is though actually getting an internship placement is turning out to be a much harder task than I originally thought. You see it's hard getting up again after knock back, after knock back. Either you don't get a reply at all or they reply saying they don't have anything right now but they'll keep your information on file- I mean don't get me wrong I'm grateful for that but it still makes you feel like you're getting no where. 

The job situation is more than likely going to be unsuccessful, for the past two summers I've applied to about 30/40 jobs and I got about 2 unsuccessful interviews out of it. Money for third year is severely needed and I need to start putting money aside for when I finish uni too. It would be fab to get a retail job that would give me experience and I'd be paid for doing so. 

Finally the summer camp option, this is something I have dreamed of doing for the last 3/4 years it's mad how much I want to do it. I honestly think it would be life changing, it would push me further out of my comfort zone than I've ever been before but I'm just so excited to give it a try. Yes it is expensive to do but you earn the money back and make more money besides it. Out of the three options this was the plan for the summer break but it scared me the thought of not having any fashion industry experience. I know this looks good on your CV anyway but seriously how much do employers actually rate it? Plus the little fact it's in all the way over in America... don't get me wrong that is the dream but to my parents who already moan I don't see them enough at uni it's not what they want. It's hard if I decide not to do the summer camp thing then I know at some point I will regret it, maybe not today or tomorrow but some point in my life I'll look back and aways wonder how that might have worked out for me. 

I don't know what to do, I'm just so stuck in the middle, I'm still applying to countless internships, I will start applying for jobs and the deadline for summer camp is March 1st so I need to make my mind up quick. 

Which do you think I should go for?
Let me know in the comments & I'll see you all on Friday.


Images: Not my own

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Joggers aren't just for the gym.

Tracksuit bottoms or joggers have always been around, let’s face it besides pyjamas they’re probably the most comfortable thing you own. Feel free to admit it or not but they’re also probably that one item in your wardrobe that you practically live in. I love them. Coming from me this is quite the statement to make, sport or exercise of any real form hasn't ever been something that really interested me, my weekly PE lessons at school were not my idea of fun that’s for sure. Yes I get the whole toned body image is nice to have but have you ever eaten a Malteaser McFlurry now that is the stuff I dream about.

So when suddenly my insta feed was flooded with girls wearing joggers in a fashionable way I was a little unsure how I felt. Surely they couldn’t look good? Gone are the year 7 PE days consisting of unflattering joggers, baggy t-shirt and the vans that everyone had but you were never officially aloud to wear. This time around joggers are looking classy and cool. Nude, grey, black, camo you named it, paired with a bodysuit or a fitted crop top they look ‘peng’. Trainers or heels you decide personally I’m a fan of trainers because heels are more of a workout on a night out than the treadmill is at 8am in the morning but you do you. Joggers paired with that ‘nice top’ and some stiletto heels on a night in town could just be my new cup of tea, finally you don’t have to not be able to sit down because your outfit lacks space to breathe when you do. You can dance the night away without a care in the world whilst looking good doing so. Okay I’m sold pass me a pair or 10.

Next time you turn up to class and someone strolls in wearing track bottoms because they no doubtedly will, give them a little fashion credit. They are living that fine life of comfort and style after all isn’t that what we’re all after anyway? Besides if it’s 9am should you really be all that bothered by what you wear? Less effort equals more time in bed, and that’s something I definitely like to hear. So I will be for sure jumping on this joggers bandwagon, the only question left to ask now is how many is an acceptable number to own before it becomes classed as an obsession?

Image: Pinterest
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