It's not very often I talk about a new skincare product I've found, simply for one reason and that is because my skincare routine is the bare minimum...
Recently I've been using this Clean & Care deep cleansing lotion and omg honestly I will never look back, this post is here to tell you why.

Growing up I always had spotty skin, partly because I ate a ton of junk food, did a limited amount of exercise and rarely ever took care of my skin. Fast forward 5 years and I am the complete opposite, I workout at the gym, take care with my skin and okay so I'm not gonna lie I still eat junk but not 24/7 like I use to...
Doing these three things have really made me notice a change in my skin, it's hard to believe how simple lifestyle changes can really have that much impact on your skin.

Around a month ago I was flicking through an issue of Superdrug's Dare magazine and I opened the page to this deep cleansing lotion. Now deep cleansing lotion sounded all fancy & not at all like a product I needed in my life but after reading reviews about it online I thought I'd give it a shot. After all my skin was going through a severe breakout stage so anything was better than nothing. Little did I know then how much I'd grow to love it...
Clean & Clear is a brand I've heard of in the past but it's never been one I'd reach out for compared to other brands such as Freederm or Simple. But unlike Freederm or Simple products where I tend to stop using them after a few weeks, Clean & Clear is my new holy grail.

Ever since I brought this product I've been using it every morning before I do my makeup and every night time before I go to bed, all I do to apply it is add a few drops onto a cotton pad and wipe it all over my face. It sounds kinda gross but it's actually unreal how dirty the cotton pad is after using it. Most skincare products leave my skin feeling like it isn't fully clean but this wow it feels like every scrap of dirty is wiped off my face! It does sting a little when you put it on but it's like a good stinging if you get what I mean.

Using this had massively improved my skin, it's so much clearer than what it use to be, okay so I still have my breakout moments but they're rarely ever as bad as what they use to be and I honestly feel it's all down to this. So thank you Clean & Clear for making such an amazing product- one that I will be using daily for a long time to come!
I recently re-brought another bottle of this (that's when I know I really love it) so I thought it was about time I told people about it.
It's available in most drugstores, I purchase mine from Superdrug for just over £3 which is a great price point for a product that I personally find so effective!
100% recommend you guys giving it a try- your skin will thank you for it later!
Let know if you do in the comments below.
Take care & I'll see you all very soon.
Images are my own