Slightly late to the party with this post...
As you've probably all already heard about the stunning Chanel spaceship AW17 show in Paris.
But I thought I'd blog about it regardless.
As a fashion student, I regularly keep a lookout at the latest catwalks shows- partly because it's expected of the course but equally because it is a massive love of mine. I mean it would be pointless me doing a fashion degree if I didn't want to follow the latest going ons in the fashion world.

To be brutelly honest most catwalk shows never really live up to my expectations, I just think they are the one time and place where you can show your collection off to world in a way that no one else ever can imagine- yet most shows are a bit samey & similar to things that have been done before.
For me, the more imaginative the show, the better it is.
I sure wish that I had been lucky enough to have attended this catwalk show that's for sure.
One word: Breathtaking!

I'm not massively into space but there's just something about this show that just makes me want to stop and go "wow". Fashion often takes inspirations from other sectors- the space age is a massive topic right now, especially with 'holiday trips' into space now becoming a thing. Obviously wherever people go, fashion trends must follow, so why not take fashion into space?

Hats off to whoever thought of this staging- I don't think I've seen anything like it, in fact I know I haven't. It's just so quirky and imaginative!

As a designer brand Chanel isn't one of my personal favourites- I mean it's nice but it's just not to my taste in fashion. That being said the picture above has some stunning dresses in, the second from the right one is beautiful. I would wear that in a heartbeat!

I know we haven't even got to Summer yet but I really can't wait for Autumn fashion to come back around again. I love Summer don't get me wrong but Spring/ Autumn are my time of year for clothing- I think because I like layering & being covered up. Although thinking about it Summer weather is never really that nice in the UK...

I know life isn't about what looks 'instagrammable' and what doesn't but when it comes to fashion visuals are everything- if something doesn't look 'right' then it's not going to sell.
In fashion appearance is everything which is why I can never understand why more designers don't come up with weird and wacky catwalk shows- maybe they're worried it will damage their reputation if it doesn't work out. Personally I would give any designer credit for stepping outside of their comfort zone regardless of whether it worked or not.

Cara Delevingne & Lily-Rose Depp's are literally my style idols!
How can someone's style look so on point 24/7? Honestly don't think I've ever seen either of them in a bad outfit. Compare that to me, living the student life; too poor to afford new, nice clothes so has resulted in living in tracksuit bottoms (something that you'd never see me in before Uni).
If this isn't a perfect Instagram shot then I don't know what is?!?

Squad goals at it's finest!
Hope you all enjoyed this post, what did you think to the Space Chanel show?
Space-perfection? or a space too far?
(lol at those puns)
I'm hoping to post again on Wednesday but it depends how my work goes for the deadline on Friday.
The stress isn't even real right now & everytime I actually try to sit down to work, all I seem to end up doing is procastinating.
Student problems... *sighs loudly*
Take care & I'll see you all soon.
Photos aren't my own.