FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Friday, 29 December 2017

A year in reflection, 2017...

2017 for me was the year where it felt like everything changed, people changed around me and maybe even more surprisingly it was the year I changed. I finally got the trip of a lifetime to New York, my confidence grew more than I ever thought it would and it was a year that made me realise more than just a few things about myself. 

So I thought it would be fun & interesting to do a reflection post on what 2017 was like for me. Personally I love these posts, a lot can happen in a whole 365 days so I guess we better get started. I'm going to split this post into three sections, work, life & play otherwise if I reflected on every single thing I went through this year then we might just be here wayyyyy into next year too. Don't worry, I won't bore you all with that. 

Okay so as you all probably know by now I still don't have a job, I wish I did for the fact I wouldn't be so poor all the time but I don't. This is something that didn't change in 2017, I tried, I mean I really tried but it seemed like every place I applied too wanted experience which was exactly what I was trying to get. Still it was no's all round, in hindsight could I balance my degree with a job? no probably not, I honestly don't know how other people do it because I'm so unorganised I generally think I wouldn't be able to cope. Still that doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying for one in the holidays, interning is definitely something I'm going to do in 2018- I need experience in the fashion field like asap. 

I guess the work section for me is mainly just about uni and how that's going. Truth is I have at least 5 breakdowns a week, I must question why the hell I'm even on my degree course at least once a day and I'm feeling the pinch of the bitch student loan, but at the end of it all I love what I do and I couldn't see myself doing anything else. Yes there are tears, yes I have days where I completely hate what I'm doing but I get through it all. Yesterday I spent 6 hours working on Photoshop which may sound like hell to some people but to me it wasn't, I loved it, no I'm not going to lie I would have liked to have been able to binge watch TV all day instead but I didn't mind spending my day doing that. 2017 was and is probably the year I realised what I really want to do with my life and where I want to take this degree, 2018 is going to be the year I really work my ass off to make it happen. It's scary to think I'm half way through my degree and even scarier to think from now on everything I do is going to count in the long run, so maybe it's time I started acting like it. Going to New York last January made me realise what life could be, that could be where I end up living, that's what dreams are made off. But dreams will only ever stay dreams unless you decide to do something about it. 

Blog wise it was the year I paid so much more time and energy into the content I make, I wanted it to reflect me and although it's not entirely where I want it to be just yet, I'm well on track and I think that should be something to be celebrated. My blog, is my space and I freaking love it. I say this all the time but my blog is the one place where I feel completely and utterly myself or the person I want to be. Which is why I'm branching out... YouTube, from next Tuesday I'm intending to post weekly YouTube videos as well as blogging which is SO scary but at the same time really exciting. For years I have thought about it and for years I have said no, but the only reason I've been saying no is because I was scared of what other people would think but really should that stop me? Should the opinions of others make you miss out on the one thing that maybe you should have always been doing? I'm not saying I'm meant to do YouTube, it probably won't work out at all but at least I'll have tried. Maybe at the least I'm meant to give it a try.

Socially 2017 was my year, suddenly people actually wanted to be friends with me which is the first time I've felt like that since primary school. Uni is still one of the best decisions I made, I love every single friend I have made there and I generally have forgotten what life was like without them in it. First year was a whirlwind in the best possible way, partying became my scene and somehow I still managed to achieve a 2:1 for it. So I'm happy. I guess I'm saying I realised more than any other year who my friends, I became better friends with them and lost the people I no longer needed in my life. It's kinda sad because most of my friends from school and I no longer speak, I probably could count on one hand who I still talk to but thats okay. We didn't end badly or anything we just drifted apart. 

Love wise well yeh it's still the same, I'm still the same. I guess when the time is right hey, lol that should really be the story of my life. For the first time this year I knocked down several walls relationship wise, at the end of it I'm still single but I've learnt a lot about myself. For starters how can I learn to be happy in a relationship if I'm not happy single and these last few months especially was and has been the first time I was ever truly happy being single. Sometimes it is a scary thought thinking I'll be alone forever, I hope that's not the case but if it is then at least I know how to have a good time. A few nights ago I went to see 'The Greatest Showman' movie and honestly I have never been given goosebumps by a movie before, every second, every song, I was sat there entranced by the whole thing- I want to see it again already! Basically it was a tale of love stories, but each love story was seeking the approval of others 'the noblest's art is that making other happy', only you learnt in the film that you don't have to make everyone happy only the select few that you love, once they're happy that should be all you ever need. Which is true. I have wasted years just trying to get that approval from everyone when really I only want it from the people I love. I may have not found love in 2017, but I got somewhere close and between that I learnt a lot about love. 

This year was the year I finally got into working out, for the first time in my life I actually enjoyed it. I don't know what it is but when I'm running on that cross trainer it just feels like all my worries are made clear in my head. It feels like it's the only place I can ever truly breathe. It's weird to say it like that but I can't describe it any other way, it just makes me happy. I think because of this I accepted myself for me for the first time, for years I hated who I was & what I looked like. I'm not pretty like the other girls, I'm not an expert when it comes to my makeup, I don't know how to flirt & I don't wear pretty girly dresses. For the first time in my life 2017 was the year I realised what it means to be me and I love that, yes I'm accepting the fact I'm a little weird, my dress sense is probably not to everyone's liking and my face well it's the only one I have so I'm just going to have to learn to love it. Getting my nose pierced this year was massive and it was definitely the start of a change for me, since then I've become so much more bolder and daring with my makeup & outfits, I've lost interest in what other people think of me and have just focused on me for once. My style is still changing but I love who I am now and I love everyone who made me who I am- a year ago I would not have been saying that. My confidence is growing day by day and I could not be happier than right here, right now. 

I travelled to new and old places this year, new was New York in January which can only ever be described as a dream come true and old was La Palma in Summer break which was weird. It was weird to go back to the place I went before everything socially changed for the worst but then to return agin this year where socially everything had changed for the better. I guess I did the full circle at that place. Being on a student budget means I don't get to travel as much as I'd like to but the day trips I've taken have been fun this year, Liverpool, London & good old Skeggy. There are a lot of things that make me smile but being on that cold, windy beach in Skegness watching Willow running along the sand is one of the most cherished. For me it hold memories of Poppy too, who I guess even though she died 2 years ago last November she's still there in our hearts. 

Overall 2017 wasn't a bad year for me by any means, yes I didn't win the lottery but I didn't even enter so you can't expect to win it if you're not even in it. Going forward into 2018 I'm determined to make it my year. No more holding back. 'A million dreams are keeping me awake, a vision of the world we're gonna make, a million dreams is all it's gonna take' Yes I'm obsessed with 'The Greatest Showman!

Hope you've all enjoyed this post.
What was the one thing that made your 2017?

Take care & I'll see you all Monday, it feels so odd to not be daily blogging anymore can you believe  New Year is Monday like wow!


Images: Own

Monday, 25 December 2017

24 lessons of Christmas 2k17.

I hope by now if you're reading this on Christmas day that you are having a jolly old time, singing Christmas songs, ripping open the presents meanwhile your parents are frantically running around like headless chickens trying to sort out the turkey. Christmas morning is most definitely the only morning of the year where I'm happy to be awake before 10am. Yes I am only a morning person on December 25th thank you very much. 

With blogmas now over for yet another year, I thought it would be really nice to do a round up post containing all my lessons of Christmas 2k17. As I said right back at the start of blogmas, this year each daily post would be about something new that I've learnt that day. I do not regret doing it like that at all to be completely honest I've enjoyed blogmas so much more than I did last year. Not only that but I really feel like I've got so much more out of it too- I've learnt so much more about myself as a blogger...

(I've added the links to each of the posts in case you want to read more about it, if you haven't already)

The difference between day 14 & 20. lol

What was your favourite post?
Be sure to let me know in the comments.

I really hope you guys have enjoyed my blogmas this year. It's a tad too early to say if I'll be doing it next year but who knows. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas, remember calories don't count this time of year so make sure you dive right into that chocolate yule log- I'll race ya! 

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, I'll be back Friday 29th with my post for New Years. 
Festive Kisses 


Image: Pinterest

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Day 24 Blogmas 2k17

It's Christmas Eve which means two things... blogmas is now officially over for yet another year *sobs* but SANTA IS ON HIS WAY *YAS* If you haven't already guessed by now, after 24 days, Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year, actually no it is my favourite time of the year. I just love all the festivities- there is simply no better time of the year. 

Christmas time really is the best time.

At times throughout my blogmas you've probably questioned why exactly I like Christmas at all especially after I've come across as basically the Grinch in more than just one post but seriously I do. Okay so my Christmas is never completely 'perfect', granted there are always arguments, too many mince pies & pigs in blankets eaten (I mean is that even really possible?). Despite all of this my Christmas is always perfect to me.

 Today, Christmas Eve, is just the best day purely because you still have all of the excitement of Christmas to come, the presents are still beautifully wrapped waiting to be gifted, all the yummy food is just waiting to eaten, crackers are waiting to pulled and Christmas TV is there ready to be watched. So yes for me I don't think you can get better than that. 

I started off the day with a yummy bacon sandwich and 'The Santa Clause' movie with my parents, the perfect way to kick off the next few festive days. 

I was unsure what exactly I should talk about today because honestly I feel like all the lessons have been learnt for this year's blogmas, I'm out of ideas and ready to dive straight into the yummy chocolate yule log waiting for me downstairs in the kitchen, so I'll make it quick. I guess I just wanted to say that no matter where you're spending Christmas this year, whether that's in New York (a girl can dream), on a beach in Miami or just at home wherever home is just enjoy it. Whether it's kept simple or you go completely over the top appreciate every second. I get Christmas is such a personal thing, how you celebrate it and choose to celebrate it is up to you. I guess that's the beauty of it. You make it what you want. But whatever it is I hope you have the best Christmas ever! Me, well I'll be spending it at home as per but when I think about it could I really imagine spending it anywhere else? No I couldn't, for me Christmas will only ever be Christmas at home in my little village and honestly I couldn't wish for anything better. It's what I'm use to. It's what I love. That's what Christmas is to me. 

What's Christmas for you?

Hope you've all enjoyed this post. Thank you all so much for reading my blogmas posts this year, whether you read just this one or all of them, I am so grateful.
Merry Christmas!
I do actually have another post coming tomorrow too- it's just kinda of like a round up post of blogmas this year so if you have the time between celebrations be sure to check that out too.

Make your own version of 'perfect' this Christmas and have the most amazing time with family & friends. 

Festive Kisses

Image: Pinterest. 

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Day 23 Blogmas 2k17

Don't think I've ever posted my blogmas post so late in the day! Still I had a really chilled day going round the Christmas market in Birmingham with my Mum & Dad (of course this being me meant I did a spot of shopping too) Because hey a girl can never have too many clothes (well that's probably wrong and I probably already do have too many)... oh well... *waving goodbye to my money* 

Christmas outfits have got to look bomb. 

Although the Christmas period for me is a time where I don't really tend to go anywhere special especially not Christmas Eve & Christmas Day I still like to really make an effort with my hair, makeup and outfit. I think everyone does really. This year I've roughly planned out my outfit choices, so I thought I'd share a few of my ideas with you all:

Today (23rd Dec) See image below.
Birmingham is a city I love to go to, always have done, it was even a place I seriously considered for uni. So whenever I go shopping there I like to make an effort. Today was probably my least festive outfit, I wore my camo trousers which I've been desperate to wear since I got them with a zip up, high neck jumper. The jumper is actually from the menswear section in Primark and honestly it's one of the best purchases I've made in a long time- I love it to pieces! One of my biggest tips for shopping is to always look in the mens section because they often have really cool tops & jumpers. For shoes I stuck to my old but broken fake pair of doc martens and my beige Misguided Borg truck jacket because heading round the market was cold af.

Tomorrow (Christmas Eve)
As it's officially Christmas Eve it's deffo time to get festive (I'M SO EXCITED) so it's Christmas jumpers all the way, paired with leggings because other than walking Willow I'll be spending the day snuggled up in front of the fire watching christmas films.

Christmas Day
Normally I'd wear a Christmas jumper this day too but this year I thought I'd go for the sparkles option instead. So it's a sparkly dress all the way for me, I'll wear tights with it too but not sure how that'll go down with Willow and her claws #protectthetights. This day is where I really go all out on my makeup- I'm thinking glitter and a red lip at the minute but I'll probably just wait and decide how I'm feeling on the day. Hair wise I'll makeup an effort but I'll try and not spend too long doing it- too much yummy food to eat.

Boxing Day
Christmas sales means an early start after a late night so minimal makeup will be applied to make me look more awake with maximum time spent in bed. Outfit wise I still want to look nice, I'll probably go for the safe option of a my joni jeans and a thinnish jumper because it'll get warm round the shops. Plus sales shopping is bare stressful when you want to bag yourself the best bargain. 

Girls & boys out there just to let you all know, Topshop, ASOS & Urban Outfitters have all started their January sales online- don't say ya girl never tells you anything. I'm actually crying at how much my ASOS bag came too, it seems I lose any concept of money in the sale season. Not good! Not good at all! 

Hope you all enjoyed this post.
What are you planning on wearing over the Christmas season?
Comment below.

Can you believe it's the last day of blogmas tomorrow?!? It actually breaks my heart although I feel like I need a mini break from blogging to come up with new content ideas- having to think of 24 has been tough girl let me tell you! 

See you tomorrow!
Festive Kisses


Image: Own

Friday, 22 December 2017

Day 22 Blogmas 2k17

So we're on the home stretch of blogmas for 2017, honestly I think it's mad how fast it's gone but at the same time it feels like I've been blogging daily since forever. As much as I have enjoyed doing blogmas this year it has made me realise that I don't think I could ever blog daily- too much work for someone with an already busy life. Still I definitely think Christmas has helped me to clear my head this year and make sense of a lot of things that without doing this I probably wouldn't have been able to. Sometimes it's just nice to just write you know. 

Christmas ain't Christmas without the family drama.

Maybe this isn't how it is for everyone but in my household it's NEVER quite Christmas without the family arguments and I hate it. A cheesy as it sounds Christmas isn't & shouldn't be about that. I think for me this year that is why I'm dreading Christmas. My parents have already had a big fall out in the last two days, to the point where they're not talking to each other so as per I'm the middle person. I'm not going to go into too much detail what it was about because it's kinda a personal thing but please tell me I'm not the only one who has this problem at this time of year....

I get Christmas is a stressful time of year, and I stand by the fact that it can make or break relationships. Honestly with the atmosphere at home right now I think I'd rather just spend Christmas alone in my student house then be at 'home home' right now. I just can't be arsed to deal with that, with this. It happens too often and I'm sick of being in the middle of it all, if I talk to me dad then my mum gets moody and if I talk to my mum then my dad gets mardy. So either way I can't win. 

I guess the only thing that's going to get me through is Willow (my dog), I can't even put into words how much I miss her when I'm at uni. Somedays I just wake up and really feel my heart arching for a love from her, so being at home with her is the best thing ever. If I could go away with Willow for Christmas then I totally would. Like please get us out of here. 

Even worse I know that hopefully if my parents do resolve their differences before Christmas day, come the big day they'll just annoy me. Like I wouldn't make a big scene especially not on Christmas but I'm sorry I can't sit around laughing & smiling like we're one happy family because 80% of year we're not. And it drives me CRAZY! I know I sound like scrooge right now but I just hate the fakeness at Christmas like if it was any other day in the year then it wouldn't bother someone to scream their head off but Christmas day they just sit there and grit their teeth. My dad always moans how depressing the soaps are at Christmas, Corrie, Eastenders, you name it no doubt there'll be some form of murder or a big shocking affair exposed or maybe even a pig will fall out of the sky- you never know anything can happen in soapland. To some extent yes I do think they are accurate though, yes I know it's not quite so dramatic and I really hope no one gets murdered on your Christmas day but the arguments side yes. No one has the perfect Christmas but we just make do with what we have even if that does result in a few mince pies being thrown.

I know I've got to make the best of it, just sometimes it's hard. If anything it makes me even more determined to not have to come back home after I've graduated but really it shouldn't be like that. Yes  of course I love my parents to pieces and I guess I love where I've grown up too but honestly I don't want to stay here beyond uni. Whenever we fall out now I just think how the hell did I survive without uni...

So if there's a big family argument this Christmas you're not alone believe me. If you're one of the lucky ones who don't have this issue then you're more lucky than you'll ever know.
Hope you enjoyed this post.

Are your Christmases argument free?

See you tomorrow.
Festive Kisses 


Images: Pinterest. 

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Day 21 Blogmas 2k17

I'm very late at posting this post but it's here finally, but hey ho (hohoho) the best things in life are worth waiting for.
Window displays take a lot more work than you'd think. 

COW X FCP collaboration. 

A few weeks back on my course we had the exciting chance within a team to come up with a window display for Cow, a vintage shop, for them to display in February 2018. Visual merchandising has never been something I thought would be for me and it turns out I was right it isn't but that doesn't mean this opportunity wasn't valuable to me.

Each team was given the chance to choose from a list of locations & objects, which they'd have to combine together in some way to create a window display. We had shoes and cocktails for two. Now we didn't have to combine them literally, the combination could be completely outside of the box so to speak. Initially we had the idea to design a life sized shoe box which would have a cocktail bar within it. In hindsight though this was perhaps a bit too literal, it was too within the box, for crying out loud it was literally inside a life sized shoebox. But that's the purpose of trying things and making mistakes because we got the chance to learn from them!

In the end we went with just the idea of a cocktail bar on Valentines Day, the shoe element came from having shoes dotted around the display and the fact everything was tied up with shoe laces. We expanded the shoe element further by suggesting people could interact with the display by sharing their shoe selfies on Valentines day, #Cow-uplegoals.

To take this further we linked the names of shoes within the HUGE cocktail menu we had in the display, we had a 'Blood Mary Jane', a 'Shoe-icide shot' and even a 'Convers-apolitan', Cow do love their puns after all. It was fun to come up with all these names and it definately made me want a drink at the end of two very long, hectic days. I honestly never realised how hard it was to work in a group of 10 people. Giving everyone the chance to voice their opinions was a bit of a stressful one but we got through it and actually pulled together really well in the end.

Would I want to do this again?
No probably not, I did enjoy it and it was nice to have a break from our daily projects but it was very stressful and I have never realised how much work goes into creating window displays. I've never really given it a second thought if I'm honest. One thing is for sure though I will never walk past a window display and not appreciate the effort gone into it ever again. I guess was a good thing for me to learn now that visual merchandising isn't for me, I wouldn't want to go down that route then completely hate it with no way back. It was a learning curve that's one thing for sure.

Nevertheless I loved this opportunity and a huge thank you to Cow for giving us the chance to collaborate in such an exciting way. I was proud with what we produced. The final presentations were amazing to watch, everyone came up with such fab ideas. 'Galentines day' was certainly a worthy winner!
In this festive season take the chance to look around you at the beautiful and carefully put together windows- believe me a lot of thought & hard work has gone into them and nothings worse than something you worked hard on not being appreciated. Enjoy them! 

Take care & see you all tomorrow.

Festive Kisses


Images: All my own.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Day 20 Blogmas 2k17

Last night I watched yet another film, only this one wasn't a Christmas film and it wasn't the first time I've seen it but for some reason it really struck a cord with me. 

Being single may not be so bad after all. 

'How to be Single' is a feel good chick flick, yes I know it's only a film but sometimes the best lessons learnt are the ones we watch right in front of us. Perhaps most importantly of all it's changed my opinion on being single. Yes in that whole 90 minutes of viewing time my opinion has changed. Slightly contradicting a previous post I've written but that's okay! I'm finally going to admit being single is not I repeat not the worst thing in the world. 

We only have a small window of time in our lives where we are completely single, some are small windows others like maybe mine might just be that bit bigger. In this window we get the chance to be completely free, we get to breathe a different kind of air. We get to learn more about ourselves then we possibly ever would in a relationship. It's your time to shine, your time to be completely selfish, to spend money on yourself, have a coffee alone. Maybe even discover a completely new place and make a new life for yourself without carrying anyone on your shoulders. 

So yes for the first time in my life I may just be accepting the fact that being alone isn't so bad, truth is I'm probably so good at being single that the thought of a relationship deep down seems almost scary. What would I do? How would I be? No I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Yes it bothers me ever so slightly the danger that I'll get so good at being single, so set in my ways that I'll miss out on the chance of being with someone great. Yet I am a firm believer in the fact that if someone is meant to be in your life then they will stay in it. 'I'm so obsessed with the idea of being in love that I just completely lose myself, like I forget what I want and I just disappear'. But the real question is if you can't be happy being single, then how do you expect to ever be happy in a relationship?

Not only that but this film taught me that we need to appreciate our friends more and the value of friendship, because with or without a boyfriend they are & will be there for you. They shouldn't be just forgotten about or tossed to one side because at the end of day they held your hair back away from your face when you probably needed it the most. You broke down to them and they sat & listened, not only that but they make you laugh so hard that you think you'll never breathe again. So maybe just maybe instead of focusing on what I don't have this holiday season I should focus on what I actually do, a great group of friends, a loving family and a dog I honestly think I couldn't love anymore than I already do. 

Yes I'm single but damn I'm gonna enjoy it & be happy, hell yeh I deserve to be like you do too. 'Because the thing about being single is, you should cherish it.'

Festive Kisses


Image: Google.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Day 19 Blogmas 2k17

With a total of 6 days till Christmas I'm beginning to get super excited for the big day. Festive films are right at the top of my list right now. not only are they helping me through the stack of uni work but they're just the best thing ever aren't they? As I'm off Christmas shopping today with my Mum, it's just a brief post from me, but I thought before I head out into the 'shopping chaos' why not share my top 3 Christmas films with you guys.

Christmas films are just the best!

1. Elf 
Hands down THE BEST Christmas movie of all time, I haven't seen it yet this year because I'm kinda saving it till slightly nearer the main day- maybe I'll watch it Christmas Eve? But honestly in the Harper household it's not Christmas at all without this movie. I know it's a bit of a marmite film, some people love it (lol me) and others don't like it so much (Scrooge) but personally I just don't think you can beat this. It makes me howl with laughter every time I watch it.

2. The Grinch
This film use to terrify me every time I saw it when I was younger, believe me the Grinch is scary when you're 6 years old but now I would 100% put it up there in my top three. I actually watched it last night and it made me fall back in love with it all over again. The Grinch is totally right Christmas isn't all about commercialisation, it is about the spirit after all. I love it! Although it is slightly worrying how much I can relate to the Grinch...

3. Love Actually 
Absolute classic. Yes this film may just be yet another remind of how alone I am but it shows you love comes in all different shapes & sizes, honestly I love it. I have to have the tissues next to me every time I watch this and I really don't cry easily at films. This and the Holiday are two of my favourite rom-coms at this time of year... actually who am I even kidding I am that person who will watch a Christmas film in June and I have no shame.

Hope you enjoyed this post. If you haven't already be sure to fill your holidays with these fab movies- you won't regret it! If you're really in the mood for a laugh try the Home Alone films or Get Santa, two films again I couldn't not mention. Actually come to think about it now I think I have a slight Christmas film obsession but they just make me so happy! 

Enjoy & see you tomorrow!
Festive Kisses


Images: Google.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Day 18 Blogmas 2k17

Missguided is a shop I've grown to love massively over the last year or so, I don't know what it is, it's just something about them, they just seem to understand great style! Normally, not going to lie I don't pay attention to their campaigns but #makeyourmark I couldn't not talk about. Missguided have raised the bar, kicking all of the other campaigns wide out of the water. Damn Missguided you are killing it - hats off to you!

Embrace your body and all of it's flaws this party season. Love yourself!

'As part of Missguided's new #keeponbeingyou movement, they're on a mission to inspire babes the world over to love themselves. To embrace flaws, and to not strive for what the world perceives as perfection. Because f*ck perfection. It doesn't exist. Missguided are making a pledge to never retouch their models 'perfect imperfections' out.'

Honestly I can not put into words just how much I applaud Missguided for this campaign, they are slaying every other campaign out there and I am backing them all the way. This campaign not only stands for everything every other retailer out there should, but it makes me have a huge amount of respect for this company. Slay the game Missguided!

“Having representation and diversity is really important in the fashion industry, and I think finally it’s starting to change. I love how strong my body is, it’s always been there for me, even if it needs a little bit of extra help along the way. My life motto is don’t ever take yourself too seriously, celebrate yourself, have fun and always have a laugh whilst doing it.” Model Emily. 

As a young women in this very judgemental world I could not be prouder of this campaign. Growing up I was bullied for the way I looked and for years after it affected me. It honestly scarred me for life. It made me not want to look in mirrors anymore because I hated what I saw, it made me want retreat back into my shell, it made me miss out on enjoying the majority of my school years. I hated myself- I don't think back then there was single part of my body I even remotely liked. I remember we had this sexual health week in year 8 high school, one of the activities was sitting in room full of 15-20 people and one by one we had to go round the room and say what we loved about our bodies. Just the thought of it makes me feel sick to my stomach because I couldn't say anything. Not one thing in my entire body. Perhaps even to this day, those years of bullying affect me. I chose not to do things because I was scared of the reaction. Going to uni was the first time in my life where I finally accepted me for me and not only that but I felt accepted.

"As you get older you realise these marks are part of you and they're beautiful in the most amazing way. Do not allow other people's opinions to become you"

Bullying is brutal- surely we should love everyone for be different not using it as a chance to bring them down? Growing up I thought bullying was the 'norm'. Even writing that brings a tear to my eye because it generally breaks my heart to think that I ever thought bullying was or should ever be a normal part of life. Bullying should NEVER be the norm. F*ck anyone who disagrees. No one ever deserves to be purposely made to feel shit about themselves. Let's face it we all have days where we feel shit about ourselves on our own without having others to help point out our flaws.

“Female empowerment is supporting your sisters, it’s bringing up women and not bringing them down. It’s about supporting all women, whether they’re cisgendered, trans, whatever race, class, body type and sexuality.”

I wish this campaign had been around when I was growing up. If it had then maybe I'd have thought differently about my many flaws. I know I'm not the only one who went through tough times growing up. Perhaps the only positive to come out of it is the fact it's made me so much stronger now. Mentally & physically stronger. Mentally I'm so proud of myself for coming through what I did- I look back now and I know I would have reacted completely differently to how I did. I certainly wouldn't have tried to become virtually invisible through the fear of someone else calling me out as ugly in a maths class. Physically I wouldn't say I'm quite at the stage of loving my body but I appreciate it's flaws, they're unique to me and I love that. Nowadays if I work out at the gym I work out for me not for others. It's all about inner & outer self love- never forget that! 

"It's important to teach young girls to love every part of themselves"

Whether you love your body or not we should all be emotionally invested into this campaign. Male or female. It'll make a huge impact on all of us. At the end of the day, I don't think I have ever felt so strongly about a campaign, I will be backing Missguided's #keeponbeingyou movement 110%. Big or small, fat or thin, scars/stretch marks or not they are part of you! Embrace that. Love that. Never feel embarrassed about your looks because you were created that way to be individually beautiful.

Perhaps if you take one lesson from me this holiday season then please learn to love yourself. Loving others is easy but loving yourself is probably the hardest task of all.

Hope you all enjoyed this post.
Thoughts on #MAKEYOURMARK?

See you tomorrow!
Big festive kisses.


Images: Google & Missguided website.

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Day 17 Blogmas 2k17

How on earth is it the 17th of December already? I really don't know where this month is going let alone this year... Is it bad that my Christmas shopping is still barely started? I'm just struggling to get festive at all this year, too much work, too many deadlines and too little preparation basically mean these days I'm more of a stress ball than someone who's excited for the holidays. I really miss the Christmas breaks where the only thing I had to do was stuff my face with yummy food all holiday. Growing up is hard. 

Bigger doesn't always mean better.

I'm going to be the first to put my hand up here because when it comes to present size I will automatically go for the bigger present. Because bigger means better right? Wrong in so many ways. As I've grown older and begun buying presents for people it's become so much more apparent that size doesn't matter. It's about the thought. Even the money you spend shouldn't be the reason you like it so much more. Sometimes it's the little things in life that are so much more appreciated... or they should be. After all yes is it nice to receive lavish presents like a Macbook or the latest iPhone but at the end of the day should we all be that materialistic when it comes to Christmas? Isn't that taking away everything that Christmas is really about? 

Again I'll put my hand up hand, in my household we usually ask for one big present and then some little ones, being an only child I would say I tend to get what I ask for as well. Okay so yes I'll openly agree I'm probably more than a little spoilt when it comes to Christmas, because I've never been told no when it comes to any present as long as it's within reason (sorry that Gucci belt is not going to happen for me). My parents have taught me the lesson of having to wait though, I never get anything unless it's my Birthday or Christmas and if I have received something between the two then I've had to work hard for it.

These presents look so frigging pretty! 

This year for Christmas though the only thing I really want is a break, a week away would be nice but with the amount of uni work I've got not quite sure that's possible. I know it'll hopefully be worthwhile in the end but I still can't help but think I'm missing out on the here & now. Christmas holidays should be exactly that a holiday spent with family and friends, watching endless christmas films, eating yummy Christmas food and going on festive days out. Not being stuck inside working 24.7. I do enjoy the work I do but that doesn't mean I want to dedicate all day every day doing it. In my head I could do with Christmas going on hold for about a month.

It'll certainly be the little moments that I make count this holiday, present wise and life wise. Although when I'm sat inside on a rainy, dreary day it does kinda make me happy that I've got things to do. Hope you've all enjoyed this post, sorry it was a little later in the day than I normally post.

Do you agree bigger isn't always better?

See you tomorrow!
Festive Kisses 


Images: Pinterest. 

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Day 16 Blogmas 2k17

Christmas is fast approaching and with that comes New Year, another day, another year, another fresh start. The fact New Year is a Monday this year is a very pleasing thought. I'm maybe starting a tad early with the New Year themed posts but I need to get something off my chest, truth be told I've needed to do it for a while.

Over it. Over you.

I'm not the most confident of people, I never have been and I probably never will be, truth is sometimes you're only quiet around the people you don't feel like being loud around. Sometimes it bothers me that people pick up on that, sometimes it doesn't. Yes I may not be as loud as the loudest person you know but this doesn't mean it's okay to walk all over me or anyone for that matter. Truth is I'm sick & tired of being messed around. Tired of people using me till something better comes along so they can drop me like I don't even matter. So 2018 is going to be the year of enough is enough, starting now I'm not going to pushed around any longer. If I don't like something I'm going to say, if I disagree then I'll tell you and if you make me feel about the size of a 5p coin then I most definitely WILL point it out. No I won't be horrible about it because at the end of the day quite frankly I'm more mature than that! Some of us aren't kids anymore. 

I get in life you think you're found 'something' yet the longer you have it you start to realise maybe it wasn't what you wanted to begin with. Life has a habit of throwing up bumps in the roads but in reality these bumps were always going to arise anyway. Sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes you realise that you deserve better than that, than this. Someday you may realise they don't deserve you. The penny will finally drop, for me that penny has dropped today. I can't take it no more and honestly I won't take it no more. If that's how you feel then fine because I'm done with playing games. If games are what you want to play then you go play them, good luck I hope the next person is more willing to take part. Playing games is a fake reality, get in touch when reality hits you in the face please. 

I aware that this post wasn't my usual bubbly self, well sometimes I'm not on top form, sometimes I have days where things really get to me like everyone. Today was that day. Today was when you really got to me. I'm done. I've played along as long as I could but now I'm out. It's taken me this long to realise. If I'm honest it's liberating & refreshing to finally say that. For so long I've hid all of this inside of me. You made me realise something today. You taught me to not build my walls so high which was great but was it really worthwhile knocking them down? Did you get what you wanted? I know I didn't. 

In the words of David Bowie:
"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring" 
Saying all of this makes me feel as though a gigantic weight has been lifted- I'm looking forward to moving on. Onwards and upwards well hopefully...


See you all tomorrow!
Festive & slightly disheartened kisses.


Image credit: Pinterest.

Friday, 15 December 2017

Day 15 Blogmas 2k17

How mad is it that we're already over half way through blogmas this year? Not going to lie I don't even really feel that Christmassy yet... Where is the time going? Please slow down! 

Today's post is a slightly different one, simply because I've neglected one of my biggest loves over the last few months- reading. Growing up I was always that child who had her head stuck in a book, not even joking when we go on holiday in the Summer, I can usually get through about 6/7 books easy. The sad reality is that Summer is really the only time I ever actually pick up a book now, which really breaks my heart. Reading for me is more than just a few words written on a page, if you read the right books you can get completely & utterly lost in a whole other world. Sometimes escapism is exactly what we all need. 

So I've decided I'm going start reading more over this Christmas break and hopefully into 2018 too. Starting from now. 

Take some time out and go back to your roots (books).

4 books I'm desperate to read this holiday are:
InkHeart by Cornelia Funke 
Okay so there's a bit of a story behind this one. Several years ago I went on this amazing holiday to La Palma (we revisited this year too) and I met this great guy who I just completely clicked with and we basically spent every second of the last week together. He gave me this book & always recommended I should give it a read. Normally this book isn't quite my cup of tea so to speak but I've held on to it for years now so I think it's about time I give it a go. 

Girl Boss by Sophie Armstrong 
I took this to NYC with me last year to read on the plane but I got too lost in the on flight entertainment that I never even opened the first page. I've always wanted to give it a read, Nasty Gal isn't a brand I tend to shop with but it'll be really interesting to learn more about the background of the company. Plus I think it'll broaden my fashion knowledge *waving* proactive FCP over here thank you very muchly. 

Stay Close by Harlan Coben 
I can't for the life of me remember what the name of the programme based on one of Coben's books is called but I remember watching and falling completely in love with the tense, gripping story. I really love books that have you on the edge of your seat (I mean a good, old romance is good too) but it's something about the thrill and adrenaline of not knowing whats going to happen next.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
English was one of my favourite subjects in school, I think because I definitely more creative than academic! But for some reason I never got the chance to study this book. My friends said surprisingly it was a really good read so I've always had it on my makeshift bookshelf (i.e. the pile of books on the floor) for that day when I finally give it a go. I'll let you know how I find it. 

As well as fictional books I want to do a bit of reading around my course to help with uni projects:
Capture Your Style by Aimee Song
Don't judge me but this book is basically all about how to get that 'insta perfect' feed. Considering Instagram is an important part of my self-promotion project I thought it would 100% be worthwhile reading this. Plus I mean I like things to look pretty anyway so it's a 'win win' really, I love the fact I get to read books like this to help me with my course- honestly it's times like this that make me realise just how much I love what I study!

The Million Dollar Blog by Natasha Courtney-Smith
Again don't judge me, I totally know that when it comes to blogging you have to have a special something from the start you don't just learn it but I think this book will be helpful nevertheless. I love blogging so reading a bit more about how it works will no doubt be an interesting read for me and yes it probably is a bit sad that I can't wait to sit down and read it. Haters just gonna hate.

Final bits of reading go back to the whole reason why I'm doing the course I am. Magazines!
For me these are an essential element of the course, not only do they keep me up to date with the latest fashion news but they are actually really great sources of inspiration too! Personally I only ever read physical magazines, I don't like reading them online because I don't want to support the dying art of printed magazines which in my eyes can not be beaten. 
Dazed & Vogue are some of my favourite.
 I really want to get my hands on Sunday Girl too but wow it's virtually impossible to find in shops- I know you can order it from online but I want to have flick through first before I make a purchase. If you know where I can buy it from then please let me know in the comments below- I'll be forever grateful!

Got any reading recommendations?

Hope you've all enjoyed this post, it felt so good to write today actually. Just little old me sat at the dining room table, playing Sam Smith and getting lost in my blog. This is why I love blogging- it just makes me feel like nothing else matters, worries fade away and this newfound confidence just comes out of me. 

Hope you all have a fab day & see you back here tomorrow!

Festive Kisses 


Images: Own. 

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Day 14 Blogmas 2K17

Christmas holidays are in full swing, and I'm stuck inside making my way through the mountain of uni work I've of got whilst it feels like everyone else is enjoying the break. Movies are the only thing that are helping me to pass the time, I've only been home 5 days and I've managed to make my way through 7 films already!
Have you ever heard anyone in need of a social life more than me right now?
 Earlier today I started Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, honestly this film related to pretty much every girl's life when it came out back in 2008. I thought it related back then but I didn't realise quite how relatable it still is...

The single life ain't treating me well.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at how much of Georgia's life I can relate to, the fact she is only 14 and I am 20 it pretty depressing to be honest. It's kinda laughable how much I see myself in this movie, take her mad, cringy parents or the fact she always manages to embarrass herself. Basically me lol. I remember the first time I watched this movie wasn't in cinemas but when I finally managed to persuade my Mum to buy me the DVD. She was dead set on me not seeing it just because it had the word 'thongs' in the title, like please Mum I get you're trying to protect your 'innocent' daughter from the world and everything, but it's just a piece of underwear like please. I must have only been about 13 when I eventually watched it so obviously the characters were set up to be older than me and all I remember thinking was imagine how lame it would be not being able to talk to boys aged 14. Haha. I'm 20 and still don't know how to. 

It's a funny thing when you think that won't be you but in reality Georgia probably has more of a love life in this movie than I have had in my entire 20 years of existence if that isn't sad I don't know what is. This isn't just another post complaining how I'm forever going to be alone because although yes that's looking like it might become true, that's not what I want this to be about.

Single life isn't fun. No matter how much people sugar coat it or try and make you feel better about being on your own. I get they're just trying to help but in reality them saying 'oh yeh you'll easily find someone' is probably worse than them not saying everything at all. If i had a pound every time my parents asked 'if I've got a boyfriend yet?' I would be at least half way to being a millionaire by now. I mean right now the money would be nice not going to lie. Personally I don't think anytime of the year is a great time to be alone but Christmas time is probably the worst, literally the second i step outside my front door it honestly feels like all I see is couples- I mean I don't even have to leave the house to see a couple (*coughs* parents) but I ain't ready to talk about parent PDA's- nooo thank you. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for all these people but every time I see yet another couple it feels like the chances of that happening to me get a little bit further away. I'm not desperate to get a boyfriend, please don't think that i am from this post but I'm just saying the single life isn't all it's cracked up to be. I've never been in a relationship so for all i know, being in a relationship may not be that great either but y'no it'd be nice to try.

Coming to the end of 2017 is kinda sad- I already know 2018 will be another year of being single because according to Georgia's friends 'Guys don't rate funny girls' and if thats true then I really have nothing going for me. lol. I mean I may be bonkers but at least there'll be laughs!

Maybe this movie was a good choice, maybe it wasn't- should I really take love advice from a movie at all? let alone a bunch of 14 year olds? Because in my opinion they know more about it than I do... 
can we really trust Georgia's elastic band theory?

See you all tomorrow!

Festive Kisses

Images: Google.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Day 13 Blogmas 2K17

Last weekend was the Jingle Bell Ball at the O2 arena in London, obviously the music was a key feature of the night but when you're a fashion student you find it hard to ignore the outfits.
So I thought I'd do a little post about what was hot and not so hot...

Christmas time 'tis' the season to sparkle.

"The Jingle Bell Ball is a concert held every year in December, by the Global Radio-owned Capital network at The O2 Arena. Artists that have headlined the ball are Janet Jackson, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, Take That, The Black Eyed Peas, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, Jessie J, Katy Perry, Kylie Minogue, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Shakira, Justin Bieber, Little Mix, Ellie Goulding and P!nk. Other notable acts who have performed at the Ball include, One Direction, Cheryl Cole, JLS, Miley Cyrus, The Pussycat Dolls, Taio Cruz, Dua Lipa, David Guetta, Liam Payne, Shawn Mendes, Major Lazer, Jason Derulo, The Chainsmokers, The Wanted, 5 Seconds of Summer, OneRepublic, Calvin Harris and Niall Horan. A portion of ticket sales profit is donated to Global's Make Some Noise, Capital's flagship charity, formerly known as Help a Capital Child and Help a London Child."

Taylor Swift.
Quite possibly my favourite outfit of the entire night! I am obsessed with Taylor's look here, normally  green is not a colour I'd go for especially not combining green velvet and sequins but damn she looks so good here! It's very 'casual cool' glam but for this event it totally worked, I want it already- although it's probably worth thousands.

Louisa Johnson.
I always feel like Louisa can pull off any outfit, like seriously how? Not going to lie I'm not a massive fan of the first outfit on the left not sure why it's just not my style, when she did an outfit change part way through the set though I loved it. Yellow as you probably know by now is one of my favourite colours so I loved the shorts and t-shirt number. Although it wasn't very festive... if it was me I think I'd have liked to make the most of sequin season but maybe Louisa thought that's what everyone would be wearing. 

Rita Ora.
I laughed- am I horrible? Her sleeves looked like a giant powder puff, like it could be nice but it's the wrong end of extreme. Like if it lost some of the fur it could actually be really nice. I love Rita Ora but sometimes she does wear some unusual things to put it nicely.

Louisa Johnson (again).
Wow she did a lot of outfits changes, why wear one, when you can wear three? This is more of a glam look than her other two but I'm still not crazy about it- I like mesh but this is mesh to the extreme. Don't get me wrong I know she looks good, but I always judge an outfit on the fact if I'd wear it or not and I certain wouldn't have the confidence to wear this. Wish I did though!

Stefflon Don.
Okay so there isn't a single thing I like about this look. I just think it's way too ill fitted, too casual and really it's something I'd laze about the house in, not go to a concert in. I mean each to their own, credit to her because there was obviously something about this look that gave Stefflon confidence so you go girl!

This is such as cool look! Mabel looks like the sort of cool girl you'd want to know. Her proportions of baggy and fitted here are bang on, I love the contrast of prints and even the way the brand name is on show is edgy. I don't think is a look I could ever pull off, to be honest I'm surprised I even like it but I do! Probably after Taylor's it's my favourite.

Ann- Marie. 
See this was the level of sequins I was expecting. I don't like the colour of sequins just because I think a royal blue would have been nicer but this pink colour does actually suit Ann-Marie. She pulls it off. I love her casual, just rolled out of bed image anyway. Again she's one cool person and 'alarm' is still on my playlist months later. Love her!

Hope you all enjoyed this post. I love looking at what people wear to events over the season, kinda gives me some inspiration too.

What was your favourite look from this year's Jingle Bell Ball?

See you tomorrow!
Festive Kisses.


Images: Google. 
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