As yet another year ends & a new one begins, I thought like so many others I would do my yearly round up post...
2016: The year of so many changes, both in the world & for me personally.

Unpopular opinion: 2016 has been a good year for me, 2015 in my eyes was a terrible year, I so badly wanted 2016 to be better and it was. Celebrity wise it has been a terrible year, so many amazing stars have gone, I saw a tweet the other day where someone was saying it's apparent David Bowie has created a parallel universe and is selecting people personally to join it one by one. I thought that was a better way of thinking about the losses this year. Politics wise, 2016 was the year everything changed. Whether it works out good or bad, we don't yet know...
2016 was the year I completed my Art Foundation, moved out & started university- some big changes happened this year but I wouldn't change any of it. My Art Foundation was a massive learning curve for realising what I want to do with my life, moving out was quite frankly terrifying & starting university is one of the best decisions I've ever made. For years I wondered if university was the right thing for me & 2016 was finally the year I made it happen, I've done amazing things that I'd never even dreamt of doing a year ago, with amazing people who I'd now call friends for life.

Relationship wise not much has changed, I'm still sat here single a year later.
I'm at that current stage in my life where some friends are having babies, others are engaged, some are just starting out in new relationships and then there's me.
I definitely don't fall into any of those categories, and whilst I am honestly over the moon with happiness for those friends, I couldn't see myself in those situations at the moment. For starters I still feel 15 so when people I've known for years turn around to me and says they're having a baby, it all feels a little surreal. I'd be lying if I said I was happy about spending yet another year single but at the end of the day I'm happy with my life right now. Besides if you go looking for love it will never happen, it will come when you least expect it.
Well that's what I keep telling myself anyway.

Blogging wise, 2016 was the year I really started to see writing my blog as more than just a hobby. It's something that I enjoy doing, when I spend night in writing my blog over going out out I don't feel like I made the wrong choice. It something that makes me very happy & surprisingly very relaxed. Okay so I don't think blogging will ever turn into my career but you never know...
As happy as I am at how 2016 went, I do still want a few things to change in 2017:
1. Workout more & eat healthier.
I make this resolution every year without fail, and I never actually do it. This year though I really mean it, more than I ever have before. I think when you want to make changes to your lifestyle determination is key, I want to start making my own meals, work out 4/5 times a week, got to get my body summer ready.
2. Be more confident.
This is yet another resolution I make year after year, but 2017 is the year I will put myself out to try new things for the first time. Confidence or rather a lack of it is something I've always struggled with. I hate being shy so 2017 is time I want to change this.

3. Update my style.
I am one of those people who is never happy with what they're wearing simply because I spend hours on Instagram & Pinterest admiring other people's amazing style. I like my style but I don't love it and I want to love it.
4. Be more experimental.
This kinda falls back to the confidence thing but there are I few things I what to do this year that I've never had the guts to do before, such as dye my hair blonde, get a tattoo or have my nose pierced. These are things I have always wanted to do but backed out of last minute.
5. Gain life experience.
This is rather a bold statement to make, especially as everything in life is 'life experience' but when I say this I mean I want to travel, see things I've never seen before. In the summer I'm hoping to work at an American summer camp which is a dream I've had for a long time. I just think it's an amazing opportunity that I'd be a fool to miss out on. I'm also hoping to do some work experience at a magazine again this year, as I think that's what I want to do after my degree.

Whatever you plan to do in 2017, I hope it's your year to shine.
If you have no plans then don't stress, just enjoy where ever life takes you, you may end up doing something that hadn't even crossed your mind.
I hope you all have a fabulous New Year, thank you to those who have stuck with my blog this year, without you I wouldn't have the confidence to do any of this. I am staying in for NYE, celebrating with my family... I hope whoever you're spending News Years with you that you have a great time.
I'd love to hear what your New Year resolutions are in the comments.
Take Care
Photos are a mixture of my own & Google
2016: The year of so many changes, both in the world & for me personally.

Unpopular opinion: 2016 has been a good year for me, 2015 in my eyes was a terrible year, I so badly wanted 2016 to be better and it was. Celebrity wise it has been a terrible year, so many amazing stars have gone, I saw a tweet the other day where someone was saying it's apparent David Bowie has created a parallel universe and is selecting people personally to join it one by one. I thought that was a better way of thinking about the losses this year. Politics wise, 2016 was the year everything changed. Whether it works out good or bad, we don't yet know...
2016 was the year I completed my Art Foundation, moved out & started university- some big changes happened this year but I wouldn't change any of it. My Art Foundation was a massive learning curve for realising what I want to do with my life, moving out was quite frankly terrifying & starting university is one of the best decisions I've ever made. For years I wondered if university was the right thing for me & 2016 was finally the year I made it happen, I've done amazing things that I'd never even dreamt of doing a year ago, with amazing people who I'd now call friends for life.

Relationship wise not much has changed, I'm still sat here single a year later.
I'm at that current stage in my life where some friends are having babies, others are engaged, some are just starting out in new relationships and then there's me.
I definitely don't fall into any of those categories, and whilst I am honestly over the moon with happiness for those friends, I couldn't see myself in those situations at the moment. For starters I still feel 15 so when people I've known for years turn around to me and says they're having a baby, it all feels a little surreal. I'd be lying if I said I was happy about spending yet another year single but at the end of the day I'm happy with my life right now. Besides if you go looking for love it will never happen, it will come when you least expect it.
Well that's what I keep telling myself anyway.

Blogging wise, 2016 was the year I really started to see writing my blog as more than just a hobby. It's something that I enjoy doing, when I spend night in writing my blog over going out out I don't feel like I made the wrong choice. It something that makes me very happy & surprisingly very relaxed. Okay so I don't think blogging will ever turn into my career but you never know...
As happy as I am at how 2016 went, I do still want a few things to change in 2017:
1. Workout more & eat healthier.
I make this resolution every year without fail, and I never actually do it. This year though I really mean it, more than I ever have before. I think when you want to make changes to your lifestyle determination is key, I want to start making my own meals, work out 4/5 times a week, got to get my body summer ready.
2. Be more confident.
This is yet another resolution I make year after year, but 2017 is the year I will put myself out to try new things for the first time. Confidence or rather a lack of it is something I've always struggled with. I hate being shy so 2017 is time I want to change this.

3. Update my style.
I am one of those people who is never happy with what they're wearing simply because I spend hours on Instagram & Pinterest admiring other people's amazing style. I like my style but I don't love it and I want to love it.
4. Be more experimental.
This kinda falls back to the confidence thing but there are I few things I what to do this year that I've never had the guts to do before, such as dye my hair blonde, get a tattoo or have my nose pierced. These are things I have always wanted to do but backed out of last minute.
5. Gain life experience.
This is rather a bold statement to make, especially as everything in life is 'life experience' but when I say this I mean I want to travel, see things I've never seen before. In the summer I'm hoping to work at an American summer camp which is a dream I've had for a long time. I just think it's an amazing opportunity that I'd be a fool to miss out on. I'm also hoping to do some work experience at a magazine again this year, as I think that's what I want to do after my degree.

Whatever you plan to do in 2017, I hope it's your year to shine.
If you have no plans then don't stress, just enjoy where ever life takes you, you may end up doing something that hadn't even crossed your mind.
I hope you all have a fabulous New Year, thank you to those who have stuck with my blog this year, without you I wouldn't have the confidence to do any of this. I am staying in for NYE, celebrating with my family... I hope whoever you're spending News Years with you that you have a great time.
I'd love to hear what your New Year resolutions are in the comments.
Take Care
Photos are a mixture of my own & Google