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Thursday was the presentation day of our trends, it was was safe to say I was very nervous!
Preparation for the presentation was tiring to say the least- late night study sessions in the library till gone 11pm are not something I'm use to.
I thought it would be good to give you all a brief overview of what we found on the trend "Serious Slashes"...
For the presentation we needed to do 4 mood boards: Trend Forecasting, Media, Retail & Consumer.

For the Trend Forecast board we looked at various historical context such as the Edwardian era & the Punk movement as we wanted to explore how the trend had evolved over time.
We looked at current trends on the catwalk with designers such as Victoria Beckham, and we explored other designers such as Dion Lee's SS17 collection (although we were later told that this doesn't fall under the category of trend forecasting). In addition to these we also wanted to explore various design cultures that potentially could have influenced the trend, so for that we looked into architecture & graphics.

For the Media board we looked into the trend slashes within sportswear so we looked into brands such as Nike & Adidas. As their brand advertisement campaigns explored slashes in a very graphic way. On reflection we should have looked into the "body shaming" topic more, as we did touch on this but we didn't feel confident enough with the research we'd found. Body shaming & serious slashes would have gone better together, as a slash exposes the skin in an unpredictable way, this shows that society has changed because it is now acceptable to reveal body and be proud of it.
(Which is a great thing!)

For the presentation we needed to do 4 mood boards: Trend Forecasting, Media, Retail & Consumer.

For the Trend Forecast board we looked at various historical context such as the Edwardian era & the Punk movement as we wanted to explore how the trend had evolved over time.
We looked at current trends on the catwalk with designers such as Victoria Beckham, and we explored other designers such as Dion Lee's SS17 collection (although we were later told that this doesn't fall under the category of trend forecasting). In addition to these we also wanted to explore various design cultures that potentially could have influenced the trend, so for that we looked into architecture & graphics.

For the Media board we looked into the trend slashes within sportswear so we looked into brands such as Nike & Adidas. As their brand advertisement campaigns explored slashes in a very graphic way. On reflection we should have looked into the "body shaming" topic more, as we did touch on this but we didn't feel confident enough with the research we'd found. Body shaming & serious slashes would have gone better together, as a slash exposes the skin in an unpredictable way, this shows that society has changed because it is now acceptable to reveal body and be proud of it.
(Which is a great thing!)

On our retail board we wanted to explore the various sub-categories within the term "Slash". So we looked at slits, vents, a slash, cutout and a rip. This enabled us to compare what was a slash and what wasn't. We also looked into various colour trends we had come across, we noted that it was mainly stone, muted colours- this could be due to the autumnal time of year.
Again on reflection we concentrated more on what a slash wasn't rather than what it actually was.

Our fourth & final board was "Consumer", we thought it would be a good idea to create a consumer profile of our ideal target market for the trend. We thought that the sort of person who would invest into the "Serious Slashes" trend would be someone who is very fashion forward, most likely doesn't have children so they have the time/ money to invest & they will most probably live and work in the city. In terms of the brief we didn't stick to it at all here... We should have looked into street style and how the consumer wears the trend rather than who would be most likely to invest into it.
Overall I enjoyed this project, everyone worked hard in my group & we did what we thought was right. Yes it was a learning curve because now we know what we should do & what we shouldn't. Our presentation could have gone better but I guess that just means we'll improve for next time. You are never going to walk into something the same level you want to be when you leave otherwise it would be pointless doing it in the first place!
Hope you all enjoyed this post, I'll be back on Wednesday with another post.
Happy Halloween for tomorrow everyone!
Take Care