FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Bill Cunningham & the Streets of New York

Those of you who follow my blog regularly will know that I recently
(as in less than a week ago) I started a Fashion Communication & Promotion (FCP) degree at NTU...

It's been one very scary, exciting rollercoaster ride.
(basically right now I'm a bag of mixed emotions)
Home-sickness has hit me hard, I miss the little things like the random hugs from my Mum, the cups of tea my Dad makes me & my beautiful dog's loving licks.
Slowly yet surely I feel like I'm settling into University life...

One thing I do know for sure is that I couldn't have picked a better course to study, I've honestly loved every second so far, even when it means getting up for a 9AM class despite going out till the early hours the night before.
It's true what they say about if you find something you love then it will never feel like hard work.

I want to keep blogging about my usual topics but I want to start blogging more about fashion & FCP- partly because it's expected of the course likewise I think it will be cool to keep a online record of my degree.
Our first project looks like it will be studying 'Street Style', which is something I'm really looking forward to because individuality is such an amazing thing, two people could be wearing the same trend but interpreting it in completely different ways.

Bill Cunningham was a 'Street' photographer in New York, he loved to capture fashion being worn by people not models because you get a completely different view of an outfit compared to that on a catwalk. A model wearing an outfit is often staged to come across a certain way yet a person on the street has clearly chosen that item because they liked it & it says something about them as a person.

One of first activities was to watch a remarkable documentary about Bill Cunningham's work, it was it a real eye opener and it showed that what he did was really special because he captured fashion in a way that other people couldn't.
I hadn't heard of Bill's work before this week, maybe because I hadn't ever really explored 'Street Style', because I tended to look at the latest catwalk shows to see how fashion is worn- it never occurred to me that on the street is a whole different catwalk to a fashion show.
Quite silly of me really...

Bill often spotted trends months before some editors & designers, because if he saw something he liked then he would capture the picture in an instance. Bill's editorials in the New York Times were very carefully placed together to grasp the true essence of a trend.

The 'Bill Cunningham' documentary is one to watch!
(Very sad though now he's no longer with us)

Own Photo

I don't when I'll blog again, hopefully at the weekend but who knows.
I've seen lots of little shops I'd love to cover on here- Nottingham is just full of hidden treasures.

Take care & I'll see you all very soon.


(Images taken from Google)


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Are Lip Oils Really Worth The Hype?

Slightly different post today because I felt the need to review something that I have been LOVING this past week.
Lip oils...

Okay so now I'm going to sound a bit, no very stupid because up until September 1st I didn't actually know what a lip oil was or why you needed to use one.
I had a few minutes to spare whilst food shopping so like any girl would I headed over to Boots to look at all the makeup I so desperately want but probably don't need. 

And I came across this...


I'm going to be honest I didn't like the look of this product because it reminds of a lipgloss I had when I was about 11... I just didn't like the tube or the lettering on the front.
But I thought I'll see what it smells & feels like anyway because there was one already open to test. 
It has a pleasant scent of coconut coming through but with the camellia they just work so well together like peanut butter & chocolate!
I'm not a lover of anything coconut but weirdly I do find the smell of it very relaxing and calming.

Based on the scent alone I brought it... To be honest I wasn't expecting much because my lips are quite stubborn when it comes to finding products that actually work on them. 

I used this the first night I had it, just before I turned my light out I applied this all over my lips & then I drifted off to sleep.... Because in the words of Zoe Sugg 'Naps fix everything' and in this case they really do!
(Lets just take a second to appreciate her fabulous Zoella Lifestyle collection- isn't it  just beaut?)

Back to lip oils...

When I woke up the following morning my lips felt so smooth and nourished- the best they felt in years! The formula of this lip oil wasn't at all sticky and it just seemed to soak into my dry lips. 
I've been using this ever since! 

I really recommend you all check out this lip oil because it's AMAZING, and for the price it is, it's a total bargain- I've included the link further up in this post so if you want you can check it out for yourself- Barry M also do a Cherry scented, tinted one. 
You certainly won't be disappointed- well hopefully not anyway....

What are your thoughts on lip oils?

I hope you enjoyed this post, there won't be a post on Saturday because I doing the #fblchat hosting over @fashbeautylife on twitter 3-4pm. Be sure to join in on my chat all about 'Confidence, Blogging & YouTube'.

Hope you all have a great rest of the week & weekend. I'll be back on Monday.

Take Care 


Monday, 5 September 2016

New Stationary Bits & Giveaway

It's that time of the year again where people are going back to school, starting University or maybe you're just a lover of stationary who embraces every new stationary opportunity like me?!?
I am the second one although I am a lover of new stationary too!
As most of you know by now I'm starting Uni in a couple of weeks so amongst all the 'Freshers' planning and frantic ticket buying, I thought I should probably get some stationary for the year too. 

Off I popped down to Tiger & Primark to get my stationary supplies...
Ahh colourful stationary why are you so pretty?

Okay so for my Uni course I don't really know what exactly I need because I haven't had a list or anything but I thought I'd buy things that I know I would definitely use - It's not everyday you get free rein on stationary buying?!?

Lets start with the basics- everyone needs a notebook right? 
I thought this sized one from Tiger was perfect! It's a bit smaller then A4 sized but I wanted somewhere I could jot down lecture notes in. 
The A4 folder next to the notebook is also from Tiger, currently I don't really know what I am going to use it for. I just like the design & the colours together so I brought it. I'm thinking it might be good for holding important bits of paper when I'm on the move between classes...
Both items were like a £1-2 each which I think is really good value!

Again this is from Tiger for only £1,
I picked it up because I don't know how much writing I'll be doing so I thought at least I have a spare note pad to see me through the first couple of weeks.
It's not as colourful & pretty as the other but still it will do the job. 

Some people love notebooks, others love bullet journals- I love post-stick notes!
I honestly don't think I could love these any more even if I tried.
I love how each one is a different colour & says a different thing like 'To do' or 'Read again', I just think they'll make life so much easier!
These were only a £1 from Tiger and I would have happily paid more because I think they're gonna be a life saver!

No stationary haul is complete without a jazzy, new pencil case.
Again I don't know how many pens & equipment I'll need but I liked the size of this one from Gabby's range in Primark. 
The colour is super cute & I love the 'XOXO' lettering on the front. 
This was £2 which I think is an absolute bargain!

What can I say?!? I'm so determined to make every bit of my stationary super cute & adorable!
I think everything in this set will be so handy and it will just help with organising all of my notes.
Again I love the design of this and it will go very nicely in my pencil case...
This was also from Gabby's range in Primark, sold for £5.

As you've probably noticed by now, the title of this post says 'New Stationary Bits & Giveaway'.
Who doesn't love a freebie?!?
A giveaway is something I've wanted to do for so long now but when I reached 5000 on my blog I thought this is 'the perfect time'.

Included in the Giveaway is:
- A brushworks complexion sponge
- A set of eyelashes by Invogue
- A Revlon Colourstay Moisture Stain in the shade 'New York Scene'
- A Molten Metal Nail Paint by Barry M in the shade 'Copper Mine'
- A Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Gloss Crayon in the shade 'Fuchsia-Ristic'

To be in with a chance of winning all you have to do is go to my Twitter page @LippieTalk , follow me & retweet my pinned tweet about the giveaway. 

UK entries only please. Competition closes 3pm on Monday 12th September (next Monday)
Good Luck!!!

I hope you've all enjoyed this post.
What stationary have you been loving lately?
Comment below.

I am still yet to buy a sketchbook & a folder so if you know of anywhere that sells really good ones then I'd love to hear about your recommendations.

Take Care & I'll be back Wednesday with another post.



Saturday, 3 September 2016

Confidence & #fblchat hosting.

Confidence is something we all crave, some of us have it and others like me don't.
I'm am certainly NOT a confident person, mainly because I'm a worrier, I always doubt myself & my abilities...

I haven't always been like this back in Primary School I was an outgoing person, then I moved to High School and I just seemed to get 'lost' in the crowd. Suddenly I didn't want to be that fun, outgoing person anymore, I would rather fade into the background because it was easier that way. 
My aim in life was to not draw attention to myself because I was afraid of negativity. 

I wouldn't say blogging has completely brought me out of my shell but it has helped more then I will ever know & I'm so grateful for it!
Blogging has helped me meet new people, try new things & just venture into a whole new world I'd never even heard of before. When I started my blog I never read blogs or anything like that, so blogging for me was a completely new concept.

Now I don't care what people think about me anymore, okay so I would rather they liked me but I get that everyone doesn't have to like everyone and that's okay too. We're all different and that's great, I will never understand why people pick out the one thing that different about you & use it against you. Surely differences should be celebrated? If we were all the same imagine what a boring world that would be.

New situations stress me out the most, I'm moving away to University in a couple of weeks and the thought of leaving everyone and everything I know & love terrifies me. I honestly don't think I've ever felt so sick at the thought. It's scary to think I won't have the comfort blanket of my parents, instead they'll be an hour's drive away- okay I know that's not that far but it's far enough for me to miss them very much. 
I totally get that everyone starting University is feel this way because after all we're only human.

I more determined then ever to push myself outside my comfort zone- this time things are going to change & I'm going to be different. I'm so sick of being the 'shy' one, it's time for something new!
I know it won't be easy but at least I won't look back and have regrets. The key is to just be yourself.

In other news....

I'm going to be hosting a chat about 'Confidence' over at @fashbeautylife on Twitter 3-4pm next Saturday (10th September). I'd love to hear all you opinions about this topic, you can get involved in the chat by following the #fblchat. 
This is the first hosting I've ever done & I'm pretty nervous but hey life's about trying the new.

If you do get involved with the chat I'd love it if you tweeted me @LippieTalk, come say hey & that you came over from my blog. 

That's all for now I hope you enjoyed this post & don't forget to get involved #fblchat next Saturday 10th 3-4pm.

Hope you all have a great weekend & I'll be back Monday with another post.

Take Care 


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