Those of you who follow my blog regularly will know that I recently
(as in less than a week ago) I started a Fashion Communication & Promotion (FCP) degree at NTU...
It's been one very scary, exciting rollercoaster ride.
(basically right now I'm a bag of mixed emotions)
Home-sickness has hit me hard, I miss the little things like the random hugs from my Mum, the cups of tea my Dad makes me & my beautiful dog's loving licks.
Slowly yet surely I feel like I'm settling into University life...

One thing I do know for sure is that I couldn't have picked a better course to study, I've honestly loved every second so far, even when it means getting up for a 9AM class despite going out till the early hours the night before.
It's true what they say about if you find something you love then it will never feel like hard work.

I want to keep blogging about my usual topics but I want to start blogging more about fashion & FCP- partly because it's expected of the course likewise I think it will be cool to keep a online record of my degree.
Our first project looks like it will be studying 'Street Style', which is something I'm really looking forward to because individuality is such an amazing thing, two people could be wearing the same trend but interpreting it in completely different ways.

Bill Cunningham was a 'Street' photographer in New York, he loved to capture fashion being worn by people not models because you get a completely different view of an outfit compared to that on a catwalk. A model wearing an outfit is often staged to come across a certain way yet a person on the street has clearly chosen that item because they liked it & it says something about them as a person.
One of first activities was to watch a remarkable documentary about Bill Cunningham's work, it was it a real eye opener and it showed that what he did was really special because he captured fashion in a way that other people couldn't.
I hadn't heard of Bill's work before this week, maybe because I hadn't ever really explored 'Street Style', because I tended to look at the latest catwalk shows to see how fashion is worn- it never occurred to me that on the street is a whole different catwalk to a fashion show.
Quite silly of me really...

Bill often spotted trends months before some editors & designers, because if he saw something he liked then he would capture the picture in an instance. Bill's editorials in the New York Times were very carefully placed together to grasp the true essence of a trend.
The 'Bill Cunningham' documentary is one to watch!
(Very sad though now he's no longer with us)

Own Photo
I don't when I'll blog again, hopefully at the weekend but who knows.
I've seen lots of little shops I'd love to cover on here- Nottingham is just full of hidden treasures.
Take care & I'll see you all very soon.
(Images taken from Google)
(as in less than a week ago) I started a Fashion Communication & Promotion (FCP) degree at NTU...
It's been one very scary, exciting rollercoaster ride.
(basically right now I'm a bag of mixed emotions)
Home-sickness has hit me hard, I miss the little things like the random hugs from my Mum, the cups of tea my Dad makes me & my beautiful dog's loving licks.
Slowly yet surely I feel like I'm settling into University life...

One thing I do know for sure is that I couldn't have picked a better course to study, I've honestly loved every second so far, even when it means getting up for a 9AM class despite going out till the early hours the night before.
It's true what they say about if you find something you love then it will never feel like hard work.

I want to keep blogging about my usual topics but I want to start blogging more about fashion & FCP- partly because it's expected of the course likewise I think it will be cool to keep a online record of my degree.
Our first project looks like it will be studying 'Street Style', which is something I'm really looking forward to because individuality is such an amazing thing, two people could be wearing the same trend but interpreting it in completely different ways.

Bill Cunningham was a 'Street' photographer in New York, he loved to capture fashion being worn by people not models because you get a completely different view of an outfit compared to that on a catwalk. A model wearing an outfit is often staged to come across a certain way yet a person on the street has clearly chosen that item because they liked it & it says something about them as a person.
One of first activities was to watch a remarkable documentary about Bill Cunningham's work, it was it a real eye opener and it showed that what he did was really special because he captured fashion in a way that other people couldn't.
I hadn't heard of Bill's work before this week, maybe because I hadn't ever really explored 'Street Style', because I tended to look at the latest catwalk shows to see how fashion is worn- it never occurred to me that on the street is a whole different catwalk to a fashion show.
Quite silly of me really...

Bill often spotted trends months before some editors & designers, because if he saw something he liked then he would capture the picture in an instance. Bill's editorials in the New York Times were very carefully placed together to grasp the true essence of a trend.
The 'Bill Cunningham' documentary is one to watch!
(Very sad though now he's no longer with us)

Own Photo
I don't when I'll blog again, hopefully at the weekend but who knows.
I've seen lots of little shops I'd love to cover on here- Nottingham is just full of hidden treasures.
Take care & I'll see you all very soon.
(Images taken from Google)