FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Tuesday, 24 May 2016


Yesterday was definitely a first for me!
I finally filmed a 'Lookbook' video which is something I've so desperately wanted to do for so long now it's unreal!

So after around 3-4 hours of editing, I finally feel ready to share my 'Summer style' with you all.
I really hope you enjoy it & I'd love to her what you think in the comments below or on my YouTube channel.

Also quick fact I just wanted to share with you guys:

I recently checked on the notes section of my phone because I never have any storage *sad face* and I saw I'd done a note about starting my own YouTube channel 537 days ago!!!!
It took me 537 days to pluck up the courage to do this- that's crazy!
So the moral of this story is don't wait 537 days like me, if you want to try something new then just try it because life's too short to wait around. 

If you want to watch my Lookbook video then click below:

I don't know yet when I'll be blogging again but I'm hoping it will be at the weekend. 
(probably Saturday)

*Exciting news alert*
I'm going to London at some point next week so I'm hoping to blog about that too.

Blue Sky Nights & Summer Stripes:
If any of you are like me and you love doing your nails too then why not check out another of my channels videos:

I hope you enjoyed this rather quick blog post and I'll be sure to keep you up to date with when I'm next blogging on Twitter or Instagram in the upcoming days.

Happy almost midweek guys!

Take care & I'll see you all very soon!



Sunday, 22 May 2016

Fashion Purchase of the Week Featuring New Look:

As some of you may or may not know, I LOVE shopping & clothes & fashion!
I'm such a stereotypical girl it's unreal!

So for me, my perfect day would be spent shopping- 
Because what's there not to love?

Clothes are my real weakness, if I see something I like then I'm more than likely to buy it because in the past I made the terrible error of not buying something I like and really regretting it.
Please say it's not just me who does this?!?

So last Thursday I went into my local New Look store to have a look around and to see what new clothes they had on their rails.
(Anyone who knows me will know that I could literally buy the entire shop!)

It's extremely rare for me to ever not find something I like in New Look so it's no surprise really that this little beauty came home with me:


Firstly I can not honestly believe this dress is only £14.99!!!!
That is such a good price.
I loved this dress from the second I saw it- It's such a beautiful colour and the fabric is so lightweight and cool so it will be perfect for those long, hot summer days we'll hopefully be getting here in the UK.

Before I brought it I popped into the changing rooms to try it on, which was where I fell even more in love with it:

I love the off the shoulder style, I feel it really suits my body shape because I'm not a massive fan of revealing lots of my body in clothes so it allows me to reveal some skin without it being too much-
Do you get what I mean?

Style Tips-
I brought this dress with the intention of wearing it for going out at night during the summer months as I think it would be perfect to wear with a pair of black wedges or nude heels.
I also think it would look great with a denim jacket and brown sandals as well for daytime!

I hope you all enjoyed this post.
I'd love to hear what you think of this dress in the comments below.
If you've been loving something else in New Look (or any other shops) lately then I'd love to hear about that too.

I would also like to say a massive thank you to each and every one of you who reads this blog- I recently reached 3000 views which is such an incredible achievement, one which wouldn't have been made possible without you guys.

If you haven't yet checked out my YouTube channel then feel free to check it out below:

I have a channel introduction and a nail tutorial on there which is also about stripes, 
(as you've probably guessed already I am a major stripe fan).
I'd love it if you all gave it a thumbs up and subscribed! 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and I'll see you again very soon!

Take Care 


Friday, 13 May 2016

Blue Sky Nights and Summer Stripes Nail Tutorial:

I'm so excited to finally share this video with you all!

I've worked so hard on it the last couple of days and I would really appreciate it if you all took at look.
Really it's my first 'official' YouTube video which is super scary and exciting all at the same time.
I still can't believe I took the leap to YouTube- it's kind of surreal.
A year ago I hadn't even started this blog now it's got it's own channel.

Anyone reading this who wants to start YouTube then I would total say just go for it!
Okay so you might not grow to love YouTube but at least you will have tried.

I'd love it if you guys clicked on the link below to my channel:

I upload every Wednesday 
(Well I'm going to try to anyway)

Take Care & Have a great weekend!



Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Things I Intend To Do This Summer...

I love Summer!
Not only because my birthday is in the summer but because I love the free time you have to really do whatever you want to.
You could learn a new skill, plan fun days out with friends or travel with family.
The opportunities are endless with those long summer days & nights.

That's why for me Summer is one of the best times of the year!

Every year I always make a list of the the things I want to do but I never really complete the list because I either forget about it or I just can't be bothered with it any more.
But this year is when that's going to change!

Below I've listed the things I'm hoping to do this Summer, some are practical and others are just plain old silly & fun:

Attend my first Blogger Event 'Blogger Tiki Party'-
This is something I wanted to do for ages now but I don't usually have the free time to attend any therefore Summer is my best chance to do this. 
The idea of meeting other bloggers will be a great thing to do as it ill be nice to chat to people who get the whole blogging thing.
I'm hoping to collaborate with other bloggers too.

Visit Sephora.
I'm lucky enough to be travelling to America this Summer so I'm excited to finally visit this store amongst others whilst I'm there.
Another store I'd love to visit is Bath & Bodyworks.
I'd love to hear if you've got any other store recommendations in the comments below.

Go to a funfair.
Obviously I've been to funfairs in the past but I don't think I've ever been to one in the Summer so I thought it would be a really cool thing to do!

Camp out on a trampoline.
This is something I've wanted to do for years now!
I have a trampoline in my garden which my Dad is hoping to get rid of after this year so really it's my last chance.

Go to DisneyLand!
As I've already said I'm going to America this summer so I'll definitely be going to Disney World.
I can't wait to go to Universal because I've never been there before.

Have a picnic.
Rather a standard summer thing to do but I haven't been to a picnic in years!

Have a duvet day.
One where I stay in my PJ's all day whilst watching loads of really cool films and TV shows.

That's what I've got planned for Summer so far- I'm sure I'll add to it!

(Own photo)

I'd love to hear what you guys have got planned for this Summer and if you got any other ideas you think I should try this Summer then feel free to leave them in the comments below.

I'm hoping to blog again on Monday.

Take Care & I'll see you soon!
Have a great weekend!


(Some of the pictures I've used in this post aren't my own)


Wednesday, 4 May 2016

April Favourites

For me I always feel like April is the first month of Spring so as sad as I always am that another month has ended, it makes me that little bit more excited for Summer.

I honestly can't believe that April has gone already!
It was quite a big month for me as after 10 months of my Art Foundation it is now pretty much finished which is very exciting and scary all at the same time.

I feel I tried lots of new things in April so I excited to finally share this post with you all.
My 'Favourites' today are quite random but all equally as fabulous.

So let's see what I've been loving then, shall we?

W7 Lip Bomb
I'm going to be honest, this was super cheap so I thought 'Oh it can't be very good' but I was so wrong, this is one of the best lip balms I have ever tried! 
It's hydrating, moisturising and tastes amazing- it's been glued to my hand all month!

Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara 
I spoke about this briefly in a previous blog post as I've only just brought it recently but I loved it so much that it just had to be included in my favourites too.
I found it really lifted my lashes and even better it lasted all day!
I tend to go through phases with my mascara's but I think this will be a favourite for a while to come.

Brown Backpack 
I am most definitely a handbag kind of person, I have way too many but I just love buying them all too much! 
This little beauty is from Primark and was only £10 which I think is just amazing!
I personally think this is the perfect summer backpack - like imagine how cute and perfect it would be at a festival!?!

Mirror Sunglasses 
Now this is something I've wanted for a very long time but I didn't want to spend too much because like most things I tend to get bored of products if I've had them too long. 
This particular pair was again from Primark (I love it so much
Usually I think you need to spend a bit more on eye protection but I think if your only going to wear these when the sun isn't too intense then these should be fine. 

Alexa Chung Coat 
Anyone who loves fashion will have heard about the fabulously, gorgeous launch of Alexa's range at M&S which happened a few weeks ago. 
I loved the entire collection but after some careful consideration I decided to buy this gorgeous coat. 
I personally love a trench coat and this is like no other- it's beautiful quality and I would sleep in it if I could. 

Letters to Juliet DVD 
This is one of my most favourite ever DVD's it's just a very great, typical love story. 
Who doesn't love a good old Rom-Com?!?
I don't want to give too much away about the film if you haven't seen it but all I will say is that it's definitely worth adding to your DVD collection.

Joe & Casper Hit The Road
Now you might be horrified to hear this but before watching this, I hadn't really watched Joe and Casper before. I saw this show advertised on E4 recently and I thought I'll watch it to see what it was like.
 Joe & Casper are so funny and they had me laughing till I cried on this amazing roadtrip.
Give it a try if you haven't already!

Pina Colada Hand Cream 
In my household it's become a bit of a tradition to go to the Clothes Show Live in Birmingham every year. I picked this hand cram up from there in December but I only decide to try it recently...
This is one of my most favourite hand creams ever!
My hand often get very dry so I needed a hand cream that I could use daily and this was perfect.
The smell of this product is insane!

Dream a Little Dream by Giovanna Fletcher 
Reading is a very relaxing past time for me.
I don't always get the chance to read as much as I'd like to but when I can I love to settle down to a good book. 
I highly recommend this book and all other books by Giovanna Fletcher!
She is a fantastic author who writes books that not only can you relate too but transport you somewhere beautiful too.

Glamour Magazine 
I am a fan of buying magazines, I know quite a few of my friends decide to read magazine online instead of buying them but I love to buy a physical, glossy covered magazine to flick through at my leisure.
Glamour is always on of my faves and I love that it's handbag sized too.
June's issue is the Social one which I love so make sure to pick up a copy next time you see it.

Nail Art
When I was younger I use to do so much nail art but then if got in the way of things and I just never had the time. Recently though I've got back into it again.
For me painting my nails is super relaxing and I love it!
If your not very good at nail art then try and take the time to learn it, if not there's lots of get false nail designs out there to try. 

I hope you enjoyed this post- let me know what you've been loving in April in the comments below.

I'm very excited to finally tell you guys that my first ever YouTube video is final up, I'd really appreciate it if you guys had a look and subscribed:

I'm super excited to start my YouTube journey and I can't wait to share it with all of you lovely people reading this.
I'm planning on posting a YouTube video every Wednesday so be sure to check it out. 

I'll be back this Saturday with another post

Take care 


Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Exciting Times To Come....

Hello Everyone!

I hope you're all having a fabulous Tuesday so far, I've just been cutting round some pictures and it has literally taken FOREVER.
Like I honestly thought I'd never finish!
But the reason I cut round them was because as most of you know I sadly lost my dog in November so we're putting together a cute memory book to remember her by.

This is one of my favourite pictures of her:
Poppy by the sea, which was one of her most favourite places to be...

As you may have already gathered from the title of this post I have some (well 3 to be precise) very exciting pieces of news to tell you all!

I cannot express how excited and nervous I am for all you guys to see it.
It took me so long to put it together but I am really happy with how it looks.
It is going to be something different to anything I've ever seen on YouTube because I didn't want it to be yet another video of the same sort of thing.
It's not really a 'proper' video it's more of an edit about me and about what I love & enjoy, and things I want to do on my YouTube.
So it's basically a taster of what my channel is going to look like...
I don't want to give too much anyway but I do really hope you all like it, be sure to keep an eye on my twitter (@gemimalove12) as I'll announce it on there when it's up.

Exciting stuff...

As I said at the beginning of this post, we tragically lost are little, gorgeous Poppy in November, so after allowing some time to grieve we feel ready to open up our hearts to yet another little bundle of joy.
I'm super excited to be looking at puppies again because they're all so adorable.
I don't know yet if the puppy on Friday will be right for us but it's good to be looking again.
Poppy will always remain in our hearts but our house just feels so empty without a dog so I don't think I could ever not have another dog. 

Firstly am I the only one who cannot believe it is May already?!? 
Like where on earth is this year even going?!?
I swear I blinked and yet another month has gone by- it's crazy!
I love doing a favourites post but I'm so late when it comes to putting one together that it not even worthwhile putting it up.
So April is gonna be the month that this changes!
April was really the month where I finally reached out into my Spring/ Summer clothes after what feels like a jumper hibernation. 
I don't mind Winter but I adorable Spring & Summer way more.

So that's all my latest news for you guys,

I hope you liked this post, sorry if you thought my news was going to be bigger than what it actually was but to me these 3 things are very exciting.

I feel like I've finally got my blogging mojo back so 'hurrah!'.
Therefore I kind of feel like at the minute I'm going be blogging on random days as I actually have a lot more time to spend blogging now.

Let me know if you've had any amazing news in the comments below.

Check back here tomorrow for my 'April Favourites', I will also include a link on that to my YouTube video too.

Take Care & I'll see you all very soon.


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