FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Fairytales or Reality?

As most of you know Valentine's Day is coming up soon so I thought I'd attempt to do a post about love and all the things cute that come with it.

I would firstly like to say that although I've experienced lots of different kinds of love in my lifetime; family love, friendship love, puppy love,
I have never experienced the romantic kind.
I maybe alone in say this, as by the age of 18 most people have experienced their 'first love'...
I do feel a bit embarrassed saying that I have never dated anyone but I am still young and I'd like to think I just haven't met the right person yet.
But I'm okay with being single.
There's often a lot of pressure to be in a happy, healthy relationship in today's society.
But life just isn't that straightforward- if you are dating then great but if your single then that's great also.
As a 'Sex and the City' fan there's a quote from the first film that really sticks with me, it's from the scene where Samantha is breaking up with her boyfriend, she says "I love you but I love myself more, we've been in a relationship for only 5 years, I've been in a relationship with myself for 49 and that's the one that I need to work on"
Its true we need to work on loving and accepting ourselves first before we can let ourselves love another.
Life is about having fun and laughing, if you spend too much time worrying about things that haven't got or experienced yet then you'll miss all the good times that are standing right in front of you.
Although I've never experienced the romantic love myself, I love watching films about love-
Rom-com's are actually my favourite kind!
'Love Actually anyone?'
 Don't even get me started on Disney films- Cinderella gets me every time!
I may be naïve in saying this but I do believe in fairy-tales...
Ok maybe not to the extent that Disney portrays them.
(Wouldn't it be great if it happened like the movies?!?)
  But I do think that everyone has that special someone in the world- some are lucky enough to find them early whilst others take a little longer to find.
Reality can be harsh and cruel but with a little bit of Disney love and magic it can make the impossible become possible.
So whilst I've never had a boyfriend, I won't be giving up on my fairy-tale just yet.
My Valentine's day this year will involve, the movie 'Valentine's Day' (It's been a tradition for the last 3 years), lots of chocolate & yummy food and maybe even a drop of alcohol.
As Elsa said from the movie 'Frozen', "I may be alone but at least I'll be alone and free".

So whatever you doing on Valentine's day (even though it's a while away yet), I hope you all have a happy, loving one whether your dating or not!
I hope you enjoyed this post, I'd love to hear what you thought in the comments below.
I'll be back next weekend with more posts.
Take care and I'll see you soon


Saturday, 30 January 2016

Cambridge Adventures

As some of you guys may already know, I went to Cambridge on an art trip on Tuesday and having never been there before I was a little unsure of what to expect.
And I can tell you I loved it!
The city is so pretty and beautiful so great for lots of photographs for blogging and Instagram feeds.

As a budding photographer, I love nothing more then capturing beautiful pictures that transport you back to that exact moment.
So I thought today I would do a mainly picture post of my Cambridge travels.
 I wasn't too sure how you guys would feel about a picture post but I thought I'd try it anyway to 'test the waters' so to speak.
So I'd love to hear if you want more of these kinds of posts if so let me know in the comments below!
Now are you sitting comfortably?
Well shall we begin flicking through my Cambridge adventures then?

So that's all.

I hope you liked my photographs and this posts.
I'd love to hear what you thought in the comments even if you just want to say hi.
I love talking to you all.

I've got a very cute post coming out tomorrow which I just can't wait to share with you all.
So I'll see you tomorrow with more from, 'Lippie'.

Take Care



Sunday, 24 January 2016

Best of 2015 Favourites: Makeup, Fashion and A Few Randoms.

I've finally had the chance to get round to writing my favourites from 2015.
I've been promising it to you guys for so long- thank you for being patient.
So as it's now 2016,
(Can you believe it's almost the end of January already?!?)
Its that time of the year where the annual posts come out featuring what they've been loving in 2015.
It may be a while since we celebrated in the New Year but it's never too late for a 2015 favourites post.
And to be fair I am still writing 2015 on most of my work- don't you just hate it when this happens?!?
So let's get on with the post...
My 2015 Favourites are:
 Nail Art,
2015 was definitely the year I fell back in love with nail art.
You see I've always loved painting my nails even in primary school but over time I just got stick of painting them all the time. But last year (I still can't get use to calling it that) I rediscovered my love. I'm a self taught nail artist and I love playing around with different techniques- it really relaxes me and is definitely something I do in my down time.
If I'm honested I've never really enjoyed taking photos before 2015, I mean I enjoyed taking holiday snaps and a few selfies but I never saw what all the hype was around taking the 'perfect' photograph.
Now I do.
I just really love how one photograph can capture an entire moment in time- it really is magical.
Above are just a few of my favourites I took from the year.
After my awful AS Art grade (D) I really fell out of love with drawing and painting- I couldn't see the point in spending hours on something that people didn't like. But once I began my Art Foundation last September I realised that not everyone is going to love the work you produce but if you do then that's all that matters.
I now love doing art again and I have developed a unique, quirky style which I love!
I feel like 2015 was the year I really experimented with my look, I enjoyed wearing things I wouldn't usually try such as a pinafore dress (I thought it would make me look about 10 years old). Without this experimentation I wouldn't have found out I really suit (and love) the colour mustard or I wouldn't have found this beautiful patterned, bell sleeved top from Topshop.
 High End Makeup,
Before 2015 I didn't own any high end makeup, partly because as naïve as it sounds I didn't think it was worth spending double the money when you could buy something similar for half the price. Although I'm not saying you always need to buy the more expensive item as it's about how you apply the makeup not how much you spent.
My high end favourites now are Mac, Michael Kors, Charlotte Tilbury and Estee Lauder.
 Simple Skincare,
Before last year I never took care of my skin, this was probably why it was always so spotty and dull. I thought washing, cleansing and moisturising all sounded like too much effort especially at 6am.
But I found the more I reached for my Simple products, the better my skin looked!
I particularly love their moisturising facial wash, illuminating radiance cream and the cleansing facial wipes.
I use them everyday without fail- my skin definitely thanks me for it!
At the end of 2014 I said I wanted to read more in 2015 and I definitely did just that.
I loved reading all the more last year as it felt like an escape whenever I was feeling down.
Pictured above are just a few of my favourites.
I'm hoping to continue reading more in 2016 too.
 L'Oreal Feline Mascara,
I brought this when it was on offer in my local Boots store thinking it would be just another mascara to use but I was wrong.
This is one of the best mascara's I've ever brought and for only £9.99 which I thought was pretty cheap. It lasts all day, doesn't feel drying and doesn't flake.
What's not the love?
I tried a lot more perfume's last year as I felt I'd got to an age wear I wanted to wear more 'grown-up' scents.
Theses were my 3 favourite: Ghost Eclipse, Ghost Girl and Cheryl Storm Flower.
They all have 3 very different smells which is great as I like to wear different perfumes for different occasions.
I've always loved Rimmel products especially as they are super affordable but great quality at the same time. 2015 was the year I first used a primer from their range because I wanted to ensure that my makeup lasted all day, I do also really love their foundation and concealer.
I would love to try the red cap foundation from the Rimmel range this year-
Would any of you guys recommend the red cap foundation?
 Makeup Brushes,
My makeup brushes collection grew massively last year, at the start of the year I didn't know the difference between a foundation or contour brush but now I would consider myself as more of an expert.
Real Techniques are great for makeup brushes although I do like Spectrum brushes too!
I watched a lot of YouTube videos in 2015, some of my favourites were makeup tutorials or fashion lookbooks from YouTubers such as Zoe Sugg, Tanya Burr and Lily Melrose.
I just love how it's like a TV channel that's at your fingertips, you can watch it whatever time you want whether it's at 2am or 2pm.
I really want to start making my own YouTube videos but I thought I'd see how my blog goes first. But you never know 2016 might just be the year I start!
So that's the end of today's post...
I hope you've enjoyed finding out what I was loving in 2015- let me know if you too loved anything featured above too.
Although it almost the end of January, I hope you all have a wonderful 2016!
I'd love to hear of what you thought of this post and/or what posts you'd like to see more of in the comments below. I do want to do posts that you enjoy reading.
I'll be back next Saturday with more from me, 'Lippie'.
I hope you have a great week!
Take Care


Saturday, 23 January 2016

A Very Open and Honest Q&A.

I took to Twitter yesterday asking you guys if you wanted a Q&A post today and 90% of you voted yes!
I love, love, love doing these sorts of blog posts as it allows you guys to find out more about me and I get to ask myself questions that I wouldn't usually even think about.
To help me with this I used my trusty 'Q&A a day' diary.
Doesn't it look cute?!?
Now that we've got over just how cute this diary is...
Let's begin!
Where would you love to visit this year?
This is a tough one, as I'd love to visit many places this year but I would have to say New York. Especially around Christmas time as I just think it would be so magical and pretty.
I am travelling to America this summer actually but I don't think I'll be going to the 'Big City' but I love any part of America!
What are you not doing that you'd like to do?
I've got two- I'd like to drink a lot more water and I'd like to get exercising- that summer body isn't going to get itself. It would be great if it did work like that!
What song is stuck in your head?
Again I've got two- I couldn't possibly choose between them!
The first is 'Strong' the soundtrack from the Cinderella movie and the second is 'Over and Over Again' by Nathan Sykes. His voice literally melts me!
What TV show are you currently really getting into?
I've been wanting to start watching it for a while now but I just kept forgetting or I didn't have the time but I'm two weeks in now and I'm still loving it.
What do you want to make more time for this year?
I love doing art all day every day on my Art Foundation but I do really miss the writing element of Alevels. This is one of the main reason why I started this blog actually.
Do you miss anything?
I miss the how carefree life was when you were young. I mean I love being 18 but sometimes I want to just curl up in a ball and forget my responsibilities for a while.
Guilty Pleasure?
Disney movies!
I've been really getting into them this last year. Its weird because I wasn't their biggest fan when I was little but I'm definitely making up for lost time now.
Favourite Food?
This is super hard!
There's just so much choice! I think I'll have to say chocolate- I eat way to much of it but there's nothing wrong with a little bit of chocolate in your life.
If you could go back in time and relive a moment then what would it be and why?
It would have to be when I first got my dog, Poppy, she was so cute and such a little monkey at the same time. I don't think I've ever laughed so much as when we had her.
Love her to pieces!
What's your most recent purchase?
It would be the February issue of Vogue. I brought it as a treat for passing my art assessment.
Dream Job?
Running my own magazine company- think of it as a printed version of this blog.
If you could be good at anything then what would it be and why?
Drama- I'd love to be an actress but there's just one problem, I'm rubbish at drama. The idea of being a different character sounding really fun and exciting.
What expression do you overuse?
Either 'I know' or 'OMG'.
Going somewhere new soon?
I'm heading off to Cambridge for an art trip on Tuesday.
I've never been there before so it will be nice to visit somewhere new- I'm hoping to get lots of photographs. So lets hope it doesn't rain.
What's your favourite thing to do on a Saturday morning?
One word... SLEEP!
I love having a lie-in on a Saturday especially as I'm usually up at 6am most mornings in the week.
So that's all...
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you feel you now know that little bit more about me.
I'd love to hear what your answers are to these questions in the comments below and don't forget to let me know what your thought of this post.
Would you like to see more Q&A's?
Take care and I'll see you tomorrow with another post.


Sunday, 17 January 2016

Cooler than me?

Being a teenager is tough especially when we're supposed to act and look a certain way.
There's always that one person who is 'cooler' than you, because they're maybe more popular and more likeable than you.
Virtually every high school across the world has something called the 'Social Hierarchy', which makes most teenagers feel like rubbish when compared to their peers.
When I left to go to University I thought it would be different but I was wrong.
I realised that the 'Social Hierarchy' scale was still there only this time people weren't so bothered about it, it's like they turned around and said:
 'Ok yeah so I'm not super popular or liked by everyone in my classes but I don't care because I'm happy with who I am and there's nothing anyone can do or say that is going to change that!'
And I loved this attitude!
I was the type of girl who was never super popular in school, I mean I had a great circle of friends who I was very grateful for but I certainly wasn't loved by everyone in my year!
But who is?!?
If I'm honested things haven't changed much at University either - I still have a great circle of friends although its somewhat smaller than at school but I'm still grateful to have them.
It made me realise that you are always going to meet people in life who maybe don't like you or they think they are 'better' than you in someway.
That's just life!
'Social Hierarchy' is always going to be there but if everyone stopped caring about what their peers thought of them then it would be gone as quick a lightening.
I know it sounds easier said then done!
I just want people to stop feeling bad for being who they are- you should never be made to feel ashamed of who you are by anyone!
Being different to everyone else is great!
If we we're all the same then life would be boring.
(Even my fashion work is different)
I'll put it like this:
So we have lots of Soap Opera's here in the UK such as Hollyoaks, Emmerdale, Coronation Street and Eastenders - they are all relatively similar but they all have different storylines, different characters and are aimed at different audiences.
What I'm saying is that they are all different and individual to one another like we are to our peers.
But it's good to have all this variety because then there's something for everyone!
Like a box of Quality Street- you wouldn't won't to open the lid to find a box of just the purple ones that's why we love variety.
Do you see what I mean?
So let's all stop worrying about showing the world and our peers who we really are,
You shouldn't be ashamed to be the real you!
Because you will always be someone's favourite.
"Start smiling and show the world your happy with who you are"
I hope you all enjoyed this post today, I'd love to hear what you thought in the comments below.
I'll see you all later on in the week for my '2015 Favourites'.
Love you all and take care.


Saturday, 16 January 2016

Fashion Attempt 1: Boyfriend Jeans

The likes of Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner have been rocking the 'Boyfriend Jeans' look recently so I thought I would attempt the look myself.
Relaxed, stylish yet comfortable- What not to love?
If I'm completely honest the 'Boyfriend Jeans' look scared me...
I've had these particular jeans in the back of my closet for at least 2 years now and I hadn't worn them once until this week.
Don't get me wrong I love experimenting with my fashion and the clothes I wear, but is it just me or do certain things look great on models or your friends but on you they look awful.
Please tell me it's not just me who finds this!
So let's see how I got on:
 (So for the Scooby Doo toy in the background- I was slightly obsessed with the show when I was younger and now I can't bring myself to throw the life-size toy away)
As you can see I teamed my 'Boyfriend Jeans' with a fitted black stripy top, maroon boots, a duster coat and a good old tartan scarf.
I don't know if this is a rule when it comes to the 'Boyfriend Jeans' look but I wanted to team them with a fitted top because I didn't want to make the jeans to make me look too wide.
A fitted top helped keep the balance right.
I also turned up the ends of the jeans to allow a little bit of skin to be seen before the top of the boot as this is a styling tip to make the appearance of your legs look longer,
Particularly good if your a bit on the short side like me.
My duster coat is a firm favourite of mine, I'm guaranteed for on point style every time!
I just feel it really makes the whole look classic and stylish.
And a tartan scarf is never a fashion fail in my eyes.
So this is my 'Fashion Look' of the week,
Let me know what your thoughts on this look in the comments below.
I'd love to hear if you've tried a new fashion trend this week!
Hope you enjoyed this post and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you all to enjoy.
Take Care


Sunday, 10 January 2016

Nail that Technique: Vertical Stripes Edition

Today's post is about another passion of mine, Nail Art! *crowd cheers
Some of you will already know this but for those who don't- I am obsessed with Nail Art!
 I just love it all; any design, any style, any colour- I have so many different colours of nail varnish that I could open up my own nail bar if I wanted to.
I always have my nails painted and I generally can't remember the last time I didn't have nail varnish on...

Is this bad?

So I thought instead of keeping my tips and techniques to myself, I would share them with you guys so you too can become a 'nail artist' *just said that in a French accent
Don't know why...
Today's lesson is ...
(this is like school- don't worry it won't be that bad!)

Slightly off topic but imagine being able to take a nail art class in school!!!
How cool would that be?!?

(Back to the lesson) 
I thought I'd start off simple and if you guys want me to do more of these then they'll get harder as we go- exciting, isn't it?
'How to do Vertical Stripes on your nails'

Step 1:
This is where we remove any old nail vanish because it's not a good look to have about 10 different layers of nail vanish nor is it good for your nails.
For this stage I usually remove my nail vanish before a shower as I find even if the nail varnish remover doesn't get rid of all the old nail vanish, the shower will especially if you pick at them while your in it.
Plus it gets rid of the horrible smell of the nail varnish remover (always a bonus!)
Once I've took my old nail varnish off, I usually like to file my nails a bit and smooth the surface of the nail down using one of those multiway nail file's- my personal favourite is the 'Model's Own' one. 
Step 2:
This step isn't necessary but if you want to take care of your nails then I would always recommend it. This is where I usually apply a base coat to my nails to prevent them from being stained by the colour of the nail varnish that I use.
It ALWAYS works!
Here I only usually apply one coat which is sufficient and I always find base coat dries in around 10 minutes. (I used a Barry M Base and Top coat one as it's dual purpose)
Step 3:
For this design I am going to use a white nail varnish all over the nail as it's quite a neutral colour compared to the other colours that I will be applying later on.
Here you need to apply 2 coats of any white nail varnish to ensure full coverage (I used a matte Ciate one called paper doll)
I would recommend leaving the nails to dry for at least 15-20 minutes to ensure that they are fully dry.
Step 4:
This is where the fun starts...
Now this step can be quite tricky to do as you do need a steady hand but as I always say practice makes perfect so if you don't get it right the first time then don't worry cause it's not the end of the world if you need to start again... believe me it took me a while to get to this stage.
Here you need to get a black nail art pen (again I used Model's Own) and slowly starting from your cuticles drag the tip of the pen straight up to the end of your nails. Repeat this across your nails vertical as many times as you want- I did three across as that amount suited the width of my nails. But it's up to you.
I left this to dry for 15 minutes to ensure that it was completely dry before I moved on to the next step.
Step 5:
(Your almost done don't worry)
You can leave this nail art design at step 4 if you want but I felt when I was doing it that my nails needed a dash of colour at the tips.
You can pick any colour you want here- you don't have to use the same colour as me but if you want to then I used a Barry M nail varnish in the colour 'Coral'
Here you need a steady hand again but don't worry feel free to take as long or as little amount of time as you want.
Slowly drag the tip of the brush long the edge of your nail- trying to keep it as accurate to the edge of your nail as possible.
I left this to dry for about 15 minutes then I applied a top coat to give my nails extra shine and left them for another 15-20 minutes.

Quick Tip:
When you think your nails have finished drying run them under a cold water tap as it kind of freezes any nail varnish that hasn't completely dried. I find this helps me to stop my nails from smudging.
Now you too have learnt how to do 'Vertical Stripes' Nail Art!
Well done and  why not give yourself a pat on the back!!!
(not until your nails have dried though)
I hope you guys enjoyed this post and found the stages clear and helpful- I'd love to see how your nails went so leave a picture in the comments below or tag me on twitter @gemimalove12
I hope to do more of these Nail Art posts in the future so let me know what designs you'd like to see.

Did you enjoy having a new post on both Saturday and Sunday?
Would you like these to be my regular days?
Take Care & if you want I'll see you next Saturday for another post!

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