FASHION. BEAUTY. LIFESTYLE. an indecisive girl's life

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Out with the old, in with the new.

As yet another year ends & a new one begins, I thought like so many others I would do my yearly round up post...

2016: The year of so many changes, both in the world & for me personally.

Unpopular opinion: 2016 has been a good year for me, 2015 in my eyes was a terrible year, I so badly wanted 2016 to be better and it was. Celebrity wise it has been a terrible year, so many amazing stars have gone, I saw a tweet the other day where someone was saying it's apparent David Bowie has created a parallel universe and is selecting people personally to join it one by one. I thought that was a better way of thinking about the losses this year. Politics wise, 2016 was the year everything changed. Whether it works out good or bad, we don't yet know...

2016 was the year I completed my Art Foundation, moved out & started university- some big changes happened this year but I wouldn't change any of it. My Art Foundation was a massive learning curve for realising what I want to do with my life, moving out was quite frankly terrifying & starting university is one of the best decisions I've ever made. For years I wondered if university was the right thing for me & 2016 was finally the year I made it happen, I've done amazing things that I'd never even dreamt of doing a year ago, with amazing people who I'd now call friends for life.

Relationship wise not much has changed, I'm still sat here single a year later. 
I'm at that current stage in my life where some friends are having babies, others are engaged, some are just starting out in new relationships and then there's me. 
I definitely don't fall into any of those categories, and whilst I am honestly over the moon with happiness for those friends, I couldn't see myself in those situations at the moment. For starters I still feel 15 so when people I've known for years turn around to me and says they're having a baby, it all feels a little surreal. I'd be lying if I said I was happy about spending yet another year single but at the end of the day I'm happy with my life right now. Besides if you go looking for love it will never happen, it will come when you least expect it.
Well that's what I keep telling myself anyway. 

Blogging wise, 2016 was the year I really started to see writing my blog as more than just a hobby. It's something that I enjoy doing, when I spend night in writing my blog over going out out I don't feel like I made the wrong choice. It something that makes me very happy & surprisingly very relaxed. Okay so I don't think blogging will ever turn into my career but you never know...

As happy as I am at how 2016 went, I do still want a few things to change in 2017:

1. Workout more & eat healthier.
I make this resolution every year without fail, and I never actually do it. This year though I really mean it, more than I ever have before. I think when you want to make changes to your lifestyle determination is key, I want to start making my own meals, work out 4/5 times a week, got to get my body summer ready.

2. Be more confident.
This is yet another resolution I make year after year, but 2017 is the year I will put myself out to try new things for the first time. Confidence or rather a lack of it is something I've always struggled with. I hate being shy so 2017 is time I want to change this.

3. Update my style.
I am one of those people who is never happy with what they're wearing simply because I spend hours on Instagram & Pinterest admiring other people's amazing style. I like my style but I don't love it and I want to love it.

4. Be more experimental. 
This kinda falls back to the confidence thing but there are I few things I what to do this year that I've never had the guts to do before, such as dye my hair blonde, get a tattoo or have my nose pierced. These are things I have always wanted to do but backed out of last minute.

5. Gain life experience.
This is rather a bold statement to make, especially as everything in life is 'life experience' but when I say this I mean I want to travel, see things I've never seen before. In the summer I'm hoping to work at an American summer camp which is a dream I've had for a long time. I just think it's an amazing opportunity that I'd be a fool to miss out on. I'm also hoping to do some work experience at a magazine again this year, as I think that's what I want to do after my degree.

Whatever you plan to do in 2017, I hope it's your year to shine.
If you have no plans then don't stress, just enjoy where ever life takes you, you may end up doing something that hadn't even crossed your mind. 
I hope you all have a fabulous New Year, thank you to those who have stuck with my blog this year, without you I wouldn't have the confidence to do any of this. I am staying in for NYE, celebrating with my family... I hope whoever you're spending News Years with you that you have a great time.

I'd love to hear what your New Year resolutions are in the comments.
Take Care 


Photos are a mixture of my own & Google

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

The Casual Shirt: Patchwork Flannel

As you already know, my trend to research over the holidays is Native Nomads, so whilst researching this week I wanted to explore a focus point of the trend.
And what does everyone think of when they hear the word Western?
Why it's the checked shirt! 

I may not have watched many Wild West films but even I know they are renowned for wearing checked shirts whilst shooting the opposition on the back of a horse at sundown.

Interestingly I did a survey for family & friends about the Native Nomads trend and one of the questions was asking whether or not they'd buy into the Native Nomads trend, and 60% said no. Even I did the survey and I said I wouldn't.
But I do own many checked shirts so does that mean I've invested into a trend unaware?

Before starting this project it never even occurred to me the link between a checked shirt and the Wild West. I just simply brought the shirt because I liked the shirt, I wasn't interested in what trend it came from, which is pretty bad considering I'm a fashion student.

Fashion brands such as Ralph Lauren have even brought out their own range of polo patchwork flannel checked shirts & if it's good enough for Ralph Lauren then it's good enough for us too.
According to the WGSN the native nomads trend takes inspiration from vintage items such as patchwork quilts, updating the flannel shirt with an artisan appeal. Pieced materials work for more affordable options, and true patchwork constructions informs more elevated offerings.
Tonal blacks, greys and blues work together for shirts that are still relatively versatile for the season, and can be worn with a variety of other colours.

Designers such as Valentino have also brought out their own versions of the patchwork shirt, they have exotic vintage vibes. Featuring vibrant patterns for a bold statement, made from a patchwork of cotton, wool, and silk blends, this tribal theme gives it a colourful but harmonious look. Valentino's SS16 collection caused uproar in the fashion world, showcased on a cast of predominantly white girls (eight out of the show’s 87 looks were given to black models), the clothes were inspired by “wild, tribal Africa”. The collection was described as “Primitive, tribal, spiritual, yet regal”, the collection was a “journey to the beginning of time & the essential of primitive nature".

Off- White are a mens brand who captures street urban with a high fashion edge. They feature casual silhouettes with boys, experimental detailing to reflect the labels contemporary and youthful style. Expect directional denim, artistic t-shirts and statement knitwear featuring Off-White's iconic white stripe motif. Off- White's checked shirt creates a modern twist on what could be yet another boring shirt. 

After researching into the patchwork shirt I don't ever think I'll look at it in the same way again...
Who knows I might even end up being converted to the native nomads trend? After all there's still time yet.

Hope you enjoyed this post.

What are your thoughts on the patchwork flannel shirt? 

Take Care & I'll be back on Wednesday with more.


Photos are a mixture of my sketchbook pages & google images. 

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Blogmas Day 24: Making It

After today Blogmas is officially over for yet another year...
Honestly I can't believe I've just wrote that!

Doing blogmas for me has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride.
It started out okay but as the days went on I just seemed to get further and further behind with my schedule. Luckily I've managed to catch up now though which is the main thing.
I feel like blogmas has taught me so much not only as a blogger but as a person too- it's been so fun to document highlights of the past 24 days. But at the same time it's also slightly worrying at how fast the time has gone.

For future reference I would love to do blogmas again, I'm not sure if I will because it is very hard to keep to the schedule although if I did it again then I would try to be a lot more organised next time.    (I say try)
Before doing blogmas I always thought it would be so easy, credit to all those bloggers who actually stick to the schedule for the duration of December. I can't even begin to process how YouTubers do daily vlogging, like how do they find the time to film, edit and upload all in one day- they are actual goals!

Speaking of goals...

Whilst doing blogmas my stats have gone to crazy heights that I never even thought would be achievable and that is all down to you guys reading this.
I'll let you all into a little secret, reaching 10K was my goal for the end of the year so to have reached it before Christmas is honestly the best Christmas present ever. Like I don't want to brag & I know that to some people 10K is such a small number but to me just wow! I can't say more then that really!
I remember when I first started this blog & for some strange reason reaching 17 views on my blog was a really poignant moment for me, so to now just over a year later to be on 10k is such a amazing achievement. I know it's not quite the end of 2016 yet but it is the best way to end what's been a great year for my blog. 

I don't expect that number to rise a lot in 2017, but I am honestly just so happy to be where I am.
Blogging for me isn't about the stats, I know all bloggers say that but I do generally mean it. I never would have thought I'd stick to blogging because like so many other hobbies I thought I'd just get bored of it. But when I'm blogging it's like nothing else matters, it's just little old me & my laptop, I can forget about all the worries and the dramas for a while and just be me. It so sad to write this but I feel like I'm more myself on my blog then I am anywhere else. I so badly want to be my blogging self all the time but I'm just not, it actually terrifies me meeting people who read my blog because I always feel like such as disappoint in reality. 
It's silly really, why do I spend so much time worrying that I'm not like I am online? online me is confident & kinda cool, whereas reality me is the polar opposite.
2017 is the year I want to gain more confidence, that is the goal I seem to make every year and although I wouldn't say I ever get to the main goal, I'm forever moving one step closer. I'm so much more confident than I was this time last year and that's because I've taken baby steps. 
I guess what I'm trying to tell you guys is that don't get too disheartened if you don't reach your main goal as quickly as you'd hope, why rush? Sometimes it's the journey getting there that changes you rather than the goal itself.

Well that got very deep...

I hope you've all enjoyed reading my blogmas, thank you again for all taking the time out of your day to read my blog- sometimes I think I don't know why people do read my little blog when there are so many other great blogs out there. But I should be more positive about myself. 
Now if you don't mind I will just give myself a pat on the back for officially completing blogmas 2016! Before treating myself to issue 11 of the Blogosphere magazine & a Pointless blog hoodie- I try to reason my lavish spending habit with blogmas anyway.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas filled to the brim with all the love & joy in the world.
My fashion posts will still be a scheduled thing Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays through-out the holidays, but I probably won't do another chatty post until the New Year. 
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year guys!!!!


Image taken from google

Friday, 23 December 2016

Blogmas Day 23: Pantomime Goodness

Last night I was lucky enough to attend the Hippodrome in Birmingham to see the pantomime, Dick Whittington. 
It's a pantomime that I have seen before but it was a nice little family tradition to attend the theatre. Going to the theatre is one of my favourite things of all time, for me it is just lovely to sit and watch the acting happen actually in front of you rather than on the TV screen. I've always said if I could gain one skill in life then it would be to have the ability to act & do drama.

Honestly I don't think I've ever laugh that much in one night, they had me laughing to the point of tears from start to finish. The Birmingham Hippodrome always put on a great show that could easily be mistaken for something in the West End. 
This year had a fab cast full of extremely talented comedians & actors such as John Barrowman (Well he knows David Tennant which is all you need to know), Steve McFadden (Phil Mitchell as we all know him), The Krankies (Very funny but a little before my time), Matt Slack (One word: hilarious) and Jodie Prenger (A gem).


I won't tell you too much about the actual show just incase you're off to see it for yourselves (if you're not going then it's definitely worth seeing if you can still get tickets), I loved this cast so much. Phil oh sorry I mean Steve McFadden played the baddy very well, and it was nice to see him in a role where he wasn't required to be a drunken, alcoholic. John Barrowman was great, I've seen him before at the Hippodrome & he always puts on a good show. He said the last time he was there he was in Robin Hood 8 years ago, I remember seeing that although it's kind frightening that it's already been 8 years since that happened. He needs to practice his brummy accent more though. The Krankies are people I'd never heard of before but my parents knew them, they were a very comical duo. Matt Slack, well he's one of the funniest comedians around! I get his sense of humour completely- he only has to say one word and he'll make you laugh. And Jodie well I love her as an actress, she didn't have a massive role in this but she was as great as always.

If you're around the Birmingham area in the next few weeks then I'd recommend you check this panto out because you will not regret it. 
Besides what's better than going to the panto around Christmas time?

Hope you all enjoyed this post, I'll be back tomorrow with my final blogmas post.
Can you actually believe it's Christmas Eve tomorrow?

Take care & I'll see you all very soon!


Pictures are combination of my own & google images.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Blogmas Day 22: Christmas PJ Fun

As much as I love getting dressed up during the festive season, personally for me there is nothing nicer than snuggling down into cosy, Christmas PJ's.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I have more PJ's than going out clothes because quite frankly it says a lot about me. Since I've been home for the holidays I've literally lived in cosy, comforts because it's like I always say you can't be stylish all the time- where's the fun in that?

Today as a fun, light hearted post I thought I'd share my top festive PJ picks. I've seen lots around and I just thought it would be something cute to feature on my blog, because there's nothing wrong with adding a bit of Christmas cheer to your sleepwear.

Also apologies in advance for the pictures, some of them aren't as good as I'd hoped they would be but I've added the links to each shop's website so you can get a better view on there.

Red Christmas Elf Pyjama Set
New Look
Elf is my favourite Christmas movie so it's pretty much a given that I'd include these, I didn't even know they did such a thing- these are so cute it's unreal!

Grey Home Alone Christmas Pyjama Set
New Look
Again another Christmas classic, you show me someone who doesn't like the Home Alone movies!
Actually there probably is someone out there who hates them but how could you?

Christmas Countdown Pyjamas
OMG these are actually amazing- you can actually count down all 24 days till Christmas which is the cutest thing ever! Although who would want to wear their PJ's for 24 days straight that would be pretty gross.

Grinch Pyjama Set       Robin Fleece Hooded Twosie
The Grinch isn't actually my favourite Christmas film but these PJ's are just so adorable I couldn't not feature them- I would say these are one of my favourites out of all the ones featured on here. Available from Topshop. The robin fleece twosie is something I've seen Zoella wear on her vlogs and I just fell in love with it- basically Zoe is a style icon so anything she wears I want. Available from Mark & Spencer.

Christmas Pudding Pyjama Set
I think these are super cute- sorry I know I've said that about them all. Personally I would feel a bit cold in these at night if I were to wear them in the UK. But if you're one of those lucky people who jets off on vacation for the holidays then these would be perfect for hot climates!

Hope you all enjoyed this post, let me know which pyjamas were your favourites in the comments below. I'll be back tomorrow with another blogmas & a fashion post.

Take Care & I'll see you all very soon.


Pictures taken from shop websites.

First Photoshoot Experience

Styling a photoshoot is something I have always dreamed of doing, for me personally it was one of the main reasons I chose to do the course I have. 
So when our tutors explained we'd have to do our own photoshoot focusing on a given object (ours was a bag) for the Execution project I was over-joyed, I really enjoy the more creative aspects of my course rather than the marketing side. I am a creative person & being creative is what I love doing.

The possibilities for this photoshoot were endless, my group & I thought out lots of different but all equally exciting ideas. There was one problem though we only had a week to do the shoot & edit the images ready for a presentation on Thursday 9th. Obviously other things we had to consider were props and how much we were willing to pay,  my group & I tried to make the most of things we already had for props so overall it made the shoot very inexpensive.
Sometimes the best shoots are the ones that had very little money to do it with.

Out of all the images we took, we had to narrow them down to our final 3 which would then be printed on high quality paper before being presented in a mini gallery exhibition to our seminar groups. The image above is one of my favourite images from the entire shoot, I just love the low shot angle and the contrast between the silver & the graffiti. Whilst editing we altered the brightness & highlights to make it seem lighter, and we edited the hue & saturation levels to make the contrast more poignant. I just love everything about this image, the styling, photography angles, editing- as a whole our group was very happy with this image.

On reflection, this particular image focuses more on the coat rather than the bags, as they are kind of pushed out of focus. If I were to to the shoot again than maybe we would do a close up of the bags, and remove the coat. Personally though I feel the coat makes the image so without it I think the photo would look 'lost'.

This image above was in our top 5 but didn't quite make the cut for the final 3. We all liked it very much but we were definitely including the first image and we felt this one was too similar in comparison. Really it is the same image just different location & angle.
If we had edited this image then we would 100% of made it lighter so that the bags would stand out more, yet again I feel as though the coat is the main focus point of the shoot. 

For this above image we really took inspiration from the 'Beautiful Strangers' editorial. I just think the way the light is reflected here is stunning even if in actual fact 5 minutes later we were told by security guards to move on from our location.
The contrast between light & dark really strikes you here, I also love the added addition of the rail, in the original editorial they used a rail (see below) so we wanted to try and copy this.
Our tutors commented on the fact that it's very clear as to which editorial we had was means that we really understood the editorial we were given which was nice to hear. 

This image very nearly made the cut, although it's very simple we also all agreed that it was equally as effective. It sticks to the brief in a very simplistic way. The chain handles on the bag gives a nod towards the punk vibes we had from the editorial, and it clear to see what the focus point of our shoot was here.
Maybe on reflection we should have used this image instead of one of the other ones because although it doesn't have as much going on as the 3 images we chose, it fully sticks to the brief which was what we needed to do.

I love this image, the use of the props here is a real work of art- it was actually something we just tried as a tester but it worked better than any of us could have imagined!
Personally I would say this is one of our strongest images from the shoot as it focuses on the bag, next time though I would probably try and have the bag facing the camera more & make it a bit lighter.

Doing the photoshoot was a real eye-opening experience but it was something I loved doing!
Honestly I can't wait to start doing the next one, although it was a very stressful experience.
I guess it helps when you have a great group of people to work with.

Hope you enjoyed this post & I'll be back on Monday with another post about the crazy yet exciting world of fashion.


All images used are my own except image from editorial.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Blogmas Day 21: Pink Everything Please

As a young child my favourite colour was obviously pink, I had pink walls, pink bedding, I even had a pink rug! As I grew older though I grew out of pink... until now.
Lately I've been obsessed with the pale tones pink like blush or candy floss shades. 
I currently own more pink clothes now then I did as a child which is something I didn't think was quite possible. 

But why has pink become such a massive colour lately?

According to the WGSN even men are embracing the pink trend:
"Men are embracing softer colours and washed-out pastel tones. This is especially notable for shades of pink with a muted, almost sun-bleached treatment. Prevalent on catwalks, in lookbooks and street style, it gives normally rugged streetwear and sportswear a soft edge."

Pantone awarded the blend of the colours Rose Quartz and Serenity PANTONE Colour of the Year 2016. 
It's believed as consumers seek mindfulness and well-being as an antidote to modern day stresses, the colour of 2016 need to reflect a softness. Welcoming colors that psychologically fulfill our yearning for reassurance and security are becoming more prominent. Joined together, Rose Quartz and Serenity demonstrate a balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness as well as a soothing sense of order and peace.
Pink is even set to be a trend for SS17 so get stocking up on your pinkness now.
From powder pink to Pepto Bismol, if there’s one colour you need on your radar next season it’s pink. When the Parisian triptych of Céline, Givenchy and Chanel decree it the shade of the summer, you’d better believe it.
Look to designers such as: Givenchy, Chanel, Valentino, Haider Ackermann
You might hate me for saying this but dusty pink & yellow is one hot combination. 
Before you start thinking it no I haven't lost the plot, designers such as Ulla Johnson and Delpozo were careful to use separates that had an autumnal feel such as turtle necks and coats. When I first heard pink and yellow was going to be a thing, I actually cringed at the thought but seeing it on the catwalk has pleasantly change my mind. 
See for yourself:

I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea but give it a try & if it's still not for you then at least you can say that you gave it a chance. I'm not entirely sure if I'll brave the yellow & pink together although saying that I'm off to a Christmas market tonight and I was planning on wearing my mustard beanie with my gorgeous pink coat. So I'll let you know how that goes.

If you'd have told me 2/3 years ago that I'd have a pink obsession I would have laughed in your face but surprisingly it's a very flattering colour for many different types of skin tones. My Mum would say that she can't wear blush pink because the shades she's tried have washed her out so I think she needs to go for a bit more redder tones- more of a honeysuckle shade. As it's still pink but not as nude as some shades.

I hope you all enjoyed this post, let me know what you think in the comments below.

What do you think to the pink colour trend?
Embrace your inner love of pink!

Take Care & I'll be back tomorrow with another Blogmas post.
Can you believe that we're down to the final few days of Blogmas now?!?


Pictures taken from Google.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Blogmas Day 20: Conquering The Art of Wrapping

Christmas wrapping & I have a love/ hate relationship.
Yes I so desperately want to make all of my presents look Instagram worthy but actually getting to that stage is very hard indeed.

Personally I'm a gift bag sort of girl, as much as I'd love to spend hours folding each bit of wrapping paper perfectly before adding a perfectly proportioned bow I just can't.
My life is just way too busy & hectic for that.
Now I've realised it's less than a week to Christmas (can this year go any quicker?!?) I've started to panic a little.

I wouldn't say I'm bad at wrapping up presents, last Christmas I took time out of my day to spend it, making each gift look perfect. It took a very long time but it was so rewarding to gift everyone with a pretty present on Christmas morning.
So this year I've decided to do the same, currently I don't know where I'm going to find the time as I have 101 other things to do but I'll get there.

Pre-warning: I didn't wrap these presents below, I took the images from Pinterest as gift wrapping ideas. I just thought I'd mention it before you all think i'm some sort of gift wrapping magician. 

When it comes to wrapping paper I love brown paper, yes it may be boring & plain but I like my presents to look effortlessly simple. I hate wrapping paper that is way to fussy, and just screams out Christmas like a punch in the face.
Also as brown paper is thicker than most wrapping papers it's actually easier to wrap with especially if you're a bit of a beginner. 

Adding a bit of string or ribbon to your gifts can take them from zero to hero in a heartbeat. 
I love the added touch of the bit of fern here, probably not a good idea though if you're one of those people who likes to wrap up their presents super early as the fern might look a bit dead when you gift the present to someone.
Also if you are one of those people who wrap present up super early I want to know one thing:
How are you that organised?

Although I said I like plain brown paper for wrapping paper, I do love this santa printed one. I mean it is still on brown paper much to my joy, but I just think the santa's here look so cute!
I also love the colours red, white, black & brown together. It's Christmassy but not too Christmassy if you get what I mean.

The white dots on brown paper is such a simple yet extremely effective idea, I think it looks like snow and what Christmas day is complete without snow?
I very much like the gift tags here, because why stop at making just the paper look adorable?!?
The font used is very clear & beautiful plus it's very easy to read who's present is who's which means you can grab it quicker on Christmas morning!

I hope you enjoyed this post & that it gave you some inspiration for your own gifting wrapping joys.
I'm still yet to wrap up my presents for Christmas- I'm hoping to do it Thursday which is leaving it very late I know but I have finished all of my Christmas shopping now which is something.
Wish me luck! 

Take Care & see you very soon.


Pictures taken from Pinterest.

Blogmas Day 19: Native Nomads Trend AW16/17

Native Nomads is a trend I was unaware of until I was given it as my trend to research for a summative project at University. If I'm honest I wouldn't say it's trend I would necessarily wear because it has that 'cowboy' sort of vibe to it which isn't really my thing.

The WGSN (a.k.a the fashion bible) said:
"Layered nomadic styling combines with intricate graphic placements to define a fashion-conscious amalgamation of Western trapper and Native Americana. Artfully crafted materials, repairs and embellishments, a luxurious, lived-in feel are key to this premium incarnation of a perennial look."

Native Nomads is set to be a huge trend for AW16/17, it's all about stripping back commercialised prints back to tradition & heritage. Originating from the American Pioneers & the Wild West in the 1800s, Native Nomads have been on the scene for a while now.

American Pioneers were the first people to settle on the frontiers of North America, many of them were farmers but they ranged from anything from doctors to blacksmiths. They all wanted a opportunity to start a new life, they travelled from all over the the US looking for that new beginning. They wanted rich, fertile land for their crops, some even went for the prospect of gold.
The Wild West is renowned for being "America's Great Frontier", the name "Wild West" is pretty suitable considering the lawlessness of the untamed territories west of the Mississippi River. The thirty year period of the 'Wild West' dates from 1865-1895, the 'Old West' was famous for it's Cowboys and Native Indians.

Cowboys & Indians anyone?

Colorado appears to be a key place for where exactly in Western American the trend began.
It's been inhabited by Native Americans for more than 13000 years, it is the place in which lots of Western films have been shot.
Typical landscapes there include:
-Lush forests
-Deep canyons.

It's sounding a lot like Wild West territory now. 

So far my research into the trend has taken lots of unexpected turns.
When I found out which trend I had got I was pretty gutted, in fact I actually thought I'd hate this project. Surprisingly though I actually love this trend, yes it wasn't what I wanted but I soon got over that, researching it has made me have a lot of respect for a trend that a couple of weeks ago I knew very little about. Fair enough I still wouldn't wear the trend but to enjoy a trend you don't always have to wear it- appreciation takes many forms.

Sketchbook work is very full on at the minute, I seem to spend every wake minute either doing sketchbook work, researching or thinking about it. I guess it means I'm throwing myself into the project head first.

I've found lots of factors within Native Nomads which I want to explore & develop further such as Georgia O'keeffe's skulls or the Ralph Lauren Home collection.
I found a fascinating guy Ansel Adams who takes landscape black & white photography of the American West which sounds amazing! I'm so happy I can include black & white photography somewhere within this project because as you probably already know I have a bit of an obsession with black & white imagery.

I'm also very excited to explore the original prints within my work and see how that has been translated into retail. Currently I think I maybe be focusing on mens fashion in the retail side of things and womens fashion in the editorial side.
I'm so glad & relieved to have found lots of research to go on and even better I'm enjoying doing the work, especially with the help of a nice cup of tea & a mince pie.

Of course key findings that I can't wait to share will be featured on here too. I've got lots of very exciting posts planned for the upcoming weeks. 

What do you think to the Native Nomads trend?

Before I go...
As part of my primary research for the project I wanted to do a survey to see what you guys reading this already know about the trend. The results will help me to tailor down which areas of research to focus on in further depth.
It would be a massive help if you could click the link below & answer the survey. It is anonymous and will only take a matter of minutes.
Thank you 

Native Nomads Survey

Take Care & I'll see you all very soon.


Pictures are a mixture of my own & Google images.
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