Well what a year it's been!
I laughed so hard I could cry, cried through the worst and finally it's the Eve of New Years where everyone is so eagerly waiting to see what 2016 has in store for us all.
I would be lying if I said 2015 has been one of the best year's ever but sometimes we have to go through bad year's to appreciate the good.
A year ago I would never have imagined I'd be where I am today, maybe a year's time it might be the same also.
What I do know is that 2015 will be the year that will stay with me for the people I've lost and the memories that I've had.
Now with the soppy end of year statements out of the way, I feel I can get on with this blog post...
Firstly I hope you all had a fab Christmas-
Am I the only one who can't believe that Christmas Eve was a week ago today?!?
Time has flown by!!!
I had quite a quiet Christmas spent with the ones I love...
It involved lots of yummy food, very generous gifts and some ever so slightly depressing TV (by that I mean Eastenders).
But whatever you did and whoever you were with I hope you all had a special one.
I love Christmas for all the little traditions people have, I just think that they are so sweet and really make a Christmas personal to you.
One of my family's cute traditions is to not open our presents till after we've had Christmas dinner- I don't really know why we do this but I know that I wouldn't want to do it any differently.
Have any of you got any Christmas traditions?
So New Year...
For me New Years always means making a bunch of resolutions that by the end of January I've either forgotten about or I've just completely giving up...
Is that just me?!?
So this year I've decided to make 5 New Years resolutions that hopefully (fingers crossed) I will stick too.
My 2016 Resolutions:
1. To get fit-
I always make some fitness type resolution every year (usually one that is unrealistic) but I'm not saying I want to lose weight in 2016 (although that would be a bonus). I just would like to get fitter so I feel more healthy.
2. To blog twice a week-
This is something I've been thinking about for the last month as I really enjoy blogging, I just find it makes me feel so relaxed. And they always say to do more of what you love. Hopefully in 2016 I'll be able to able to do 'lookbook' style posts.
3. To find my 'Inner Peace'-
What I mean by this is that I'm a worrier, I stress about a lot of things that I don't really need too. I want to try and stop doing this in 2016.
4. To continue to push myself out of my comfort zone-
I did actually do this a bit in 2015 but I want to continue doing it in 2016 as well. Sometimes by stepping out of your comfort zone every once in a while you might find something new that you love.
5. To continue having fun and laughing-
Life has a habit of throwing some bad stuff at us sometimes and I need to learn not dwell on this. 2016 will be the year I'll hopefully laugh more.
So that's it for today's post...
I'd love to hear what your New Years resolutions are!
So feel free to leave them in the comments below.
Also what sort of posts would you like to see in 2016?
I'd like to wish you all a very happy 2016, enjoy celebrating the New Years tonight.
I'll be back with another post this Sunday.

Before I finish this post I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has supported 'Lippie' in 2015 and I hope you continue to do so in 2016. Your support honestly means so much and I can't believe I've had almost a 1000 views since I started this blog 3 months ago.
Thank You!
Take Care